
mini pumpkin loaf cakes + friday links

ok so we're slowly transitioning back into life without beet harvest. after last night's end-of-beet-harvest party, eggboy just about passed out at our kitchen counter, muttering you should make chicken pot babka over and over and i couldn't stop giggling until finally i demanded that he brush his teeth and get to bed. there's still bean harvesting to be done, but that's not nearly as intense, so i'm hoping that this weekend, he'll be able to catch up on his sleep. and i'll just be in the kitchen, playing with pumpkins and stuff, making faces and terrariums. i can't wait! here's the latest pumpkin-y thing i've made: mini pumpkin loaf cakes with cream cheese glaze and candied bacon. have a great weekend, y'all!

friday links!

more mini loaf cakes, of the lemon variety!

"Actually, I do meatless a lot – even meatless topped with bacon."

jeni's splendid ice cream + lucius = pornographic for eyes and ears

swedish cinnamon roll gif swedish cinnamon roll gif

why have i not been putting dukkah on my avocado toast????

ima stop biting my nails so that i can show undernail.

this grilled cheese garnish is out of control!

these maple cream cookies look sooo delightful.

this is the prettiest shakshuka i have ever seen. and it's on hummus!

need more condensed milk frosting in my life, need more spam in my life.

do you guys know about katherine sabbath?? she is like a cake superhero. 

i just discovered salted tv, and the how-to cooking videos are great! you guys can get in on three months of this if you sign up with the code "yeh3" within a week. (there's even a "how to butcher a lamb" video. i literally could not. but maybe you can?)


weekend warriors

it started as some of the best weekends do:

with a pizza, on a tractor

(and of course some cookies for the truck drivers)

in the mornings i made potatoes and eggs... and then potatoes and eggs again

first, inspired by this cute eggy/mendelssohny video, and then inspired by the tortilla in steph's book.

my arm workout came by way of teaching a cymbal lesson

and my cardio workout came by way of jumping around all extremely ecstatically excitedly when we got showtime!!!!!!! (get at me, saul berenson!!!!!)

i took a record two (2!!!) showers. one was because i hadn't taken one in a week, the other was entirely because i wanted to become marzipan with the help of this marzipan body scrub.

we had a brunch club get together, only it wasn't for brunch, it was for nighttime pretzel making (!!!!) complete with lye and nutella and mustard and guac (and no burns from the lye!)

and then

i did a thing i've never ever done before...

i helped my new fellow east-coast-transplant friends make apple cider! they have an apple tree that rivals ours, so for an afternoon, we chopped, smashed, juiced (?), and drank part of their 300 pounds of apples. it was so fun and flannel-appropriate and autumny.

the weekend ended with a big bowl of brussels sprouts topped with hot honey and enjoyed in my new robe that is fluffy as fuck. 

eggboy was either sleeping or on a tractor or eating oatmeal for 100% of the weekend, but it still managed to be pretty deeeeeelightful!

how was yours????



pretzel mandel bread + farm scenes + friday links

i am not at all surprised that within five minutes of meeting his first sugar beet, my pops had already taken 10,000 selfies with one and then eaten it like an apple, dirt and all. he is basically just a more extreme version of me when it comes to picture taking and eating. a more extreme version with a much larger stomach capacity. he really enjoyed his time around the farm! he had to wear eggboy's boots as to not get his little dainty city shoes dirty, but once he got into the fields, he was so excited about the sugar beets that he decided we should make a cake about it. so we subbed a sugar beet for carrots in a carrot cake recipe and watched the new york phil on the tv while it baked and i didn't really like it. i hated it. everyone else seemed to like it, but i just couldn't choke it down, and i hate it when the last thing i've made is bad, so the next chance i got, i whipped up this pretzel mandel bread. it's sweet, it's savory, it's pretzel-y, and it's just in time for a yom kippur break-the-fast and the season premiere of homeland this sundaythe recipe is up on jew and the carrot!

friday links!


i cannot wait to make this hungarian chicken with spaetzleperfect for the snowy (!!!) weather that's been in the forecast.

this is the sweetest, most beautiful restaurant review

new goal: appear on this website (in the background, sticking my tongue out)

oh so lovely vintage blogged about grand forks!!! i feel like a proud mommy.

can i register for a pet piggy?

i need this polenta in my life!

tahini + coconut + rosewater cakeyes!

animal crackers in ice cream, i am sold.

 <3 the new puzzle muteson album <3

it's not easy being so far from a momofuku milk bar, but luckily there is this cereal milk ice cream recipe!

this ricotta maple + sand pear cake is soooo pretty!

bacon cinnamon rolls need no explanation, right???

say this low and slow: buuuuuuuttttterrrrr tarrrrrts

last but absolutely not least, i am totally obsessed these new linens that i've been using all week (and will no doubt continue to use). they come from stitch new york and they're all handmade in a tiny apartment in new york! from now until the end of the year, you can get 15% off of your order with the code (in all caps): stitchlovesmolly

have a great weekend everybody!!!!
