
weekend warriors

it started as some of the best weekends do:

with a pizza, on a tractor

(and of course some cookies for the truck drivers)

in the mornings i made potatoes and eggs... and then potatoes and eggs again

first, inspired by this cute eggy/mendelssohny video, and then inspired by the tortilla in steph's book.

my arm workout came by way of teaching a cymbal lesson

and my cardio workout came by way of jumping around all extremely ecstatically excitedly when we got showtime!!!!!!! (get at me, saul berenson!!!!!)

i took a record two (2!!!) showers. one was because i hadn't taken one in a week, the other was entirely because i wanted to become marzipan with the help of this marzipan body scrub.

we had a brunch club get together, only it wasn't for brunch, it was for nighttime pretzel making (!!!!) complete with lye and nutella and mustard and guac (and no burns from the lye!)

and then

i did a thing i've never ever done before...

i helped my new fellow east-coast-transplant friends make apple cider! they have an apple tree that rivals ours, so for an afternoon, we chopped, smashed, juiced (?), and drank part of their 300 pounds of apples. it was so fun and flannel-appropriate and autumny.

the weekend ended with a big bowl of brussels sprouts topped with hot honey and enjoyed in my new robe that is fluffy as fuck. 

eggboy was either sleeping or on a tractor or eating oatmeal for 100% of the weekend, but it still managed to be pretty deeeeeelightful!

how was yours????
