ok so we're slowly transitioning back into life without beet harvest. after last night's end-of-beet-harvest party, eggboy just about passed out at our kitchen counter, muttering you should make chicken pot babka over and over and i couldn't stop giggling until finally i demanded that he brush his teeth and get to bed. there's still bean harvesting to be done, but that's not nearly as intense, so i'm hoping that this weekend, he'll be able to catch up on his sleep. and i'll just be in the kitchen, playing with pumpkins and stuff, making faces and terrariums. i can't wait! here's the latest pumpkin-y thing i've made: mini pumpkin loaf cakes with cream cheese glaze and candied bacon. have a great weekend, y'all!
friday links!
more mini loaf cakes, of the lemon variety!
"Actually, I do meatless a lot – even meatless topped with bacon."
jeni's splendid ice cream + lucius = pornographic for eyes and ears
swedish cinnamon roll gif swedish cinnamon roll gif
why have i not been putting dukkah on my avocado toast????
ima stop biting my nails so that i can show undernail.
this grilled cheese garnish is out of control!
these maple cream cookies look sooo delightful.
this is the prettiest shakshuka i have ever seen. and it's on hummus!
need more condensed milk frosting in my life, need more spam in my life.
do you guys know about katherine sabbath?? she is like a cake superhero.
i just discovered salted tv, and the how-to cooking videos are great! you guys can get in on three months of this if you sign up with the code "yeh3" within a week. (there's even a "how to butcher a lamb" video. i literally could not. but maybe you can?)
