
day-after-thanksgiving rye steamed buns + friday links

ok so i have had just enough corn casserole to get me through the next few weeks until eggmama makes it again for christmas. how about you?? how was your thanksgiving?! do you own stock in stretchy pants yet? my thanksgiving was spent making lindsay lohan (oreo + peanut butter) pie and dancing around to on the town in front of the television as eggboy miraculously avoided a train wreck while making his first ever turkey (and stuffing and more stuffing and pie). i'm so proud of you, eggboy!!!

most of the things we ate were delicious: the corn casserole, tennessee's brussels sproutshawaii's mochi stuffing, and california's sourdough kale stuffing were my favorite. we are still deciding what we thought of the salty pluff mud pie. and i don't know if i had eaten too much by the time the grape salad was passed around, or if the sour creamy slimy appearance got to me... but i just couldn't do the grape salad. i'm sorry, grape salad, i wanted to like you. 

now it's snowing and i am back to working on my gingerbread village: i've assembled all of my buildings, i figured out how to make royal frosting icicles, and rudolf is taking a dip in a jolly rancher hot tub. mum kept asking where the sukkah was, but i opted for a huppa to be more relevant with the timing because holy eff, i am getting married in less than a month!!!!!!! ahh!!!

for my final west elm recipe, i have these day-after-thanksgiving rye steamed buns, which were inspired by the typical day-after-thanksgiving sandwich and milk bar's thanksgiving croissant! turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce, all cozy in a bun. so don't eat all of those leftovers yet, go proof some dough and steam some bao! get the recipe here.

friday links!!

instant ramen with american cheese 

"Do you ever dream up what the Big Gay Ice Cream menu would have looked like in 1621?"

emoji search at nyt cooking is the best early christmas present ever.

i miss hong kong!

this linda lomelino interview!! i love her so much.

ok, thanksgiving is over, i know, but i still want to make these stuffing dinner rolls.

it is a loaf of bread, it is a bagel. it is a bagel bread loaf. omg.

michelle's asian style thanksgiving though!!

this gingerbread cake is gonna get made today.

happy friday, everyone!!


p.s. i also did a fun little thanksgiving-y radio interview in the midst of my pie making, you can hear it here!

breakfast hasselback sweet potatoes + friday links

putting sriracha on it, spreading it with nutella, covering it with sprinkles... these are a few of the elite actions that i keep in my back pocket for when i need to a) salvage a dish that i royally screwed up, b) elevate something that would otherwise be just a little bit too basic, or c) recover from reading too much heavy news. to this list i would like to add: hasselbacking. so jolly, so easy to do, and it looks so cool! you can hasselback a lot of things: salami, zucchini, tomatoes. the original, of course, is the potato, so today over on the west elm blog, i have hasselbacked a sweet potato and added bacon and eggs to make it a perfect little pocket-sized brunch. go check it out!!

eggboy and i are off to chicago for a bit! we'll be celebrating stoopie's birthday, having our first of two thanksgivings (!!!), and i'll be going inside of the tv to be a jennie-o turkey girl! it does not involve me dressing like a turkey, unfortunately, but i will be demonstrating some fun thanksgiving sides and desserts on air. i can't wait! i'm nervous and excited and praying that i don't accidentally tell the anchor to please toss this salad. so if you live in chicago, tune in on monday and tuesday morning! i'll be tweeting exact channels and air times.

have a great weekend everyone!!!! 

friday links!!!

this guy opened a rogue trader joe's in vancouver and i really want to do the same in grand forks.

hi, look at this massive squishy egg nest. if anyone should have it, eggboy should, right???

go to this post for the ramen donuts, stay for josh's joshness. 

i would like a winter ball to wear this convertible pouffy dress to, please and thanks.

these maple oozy gooey butter cake bites. i could see myself eating entire batch in one sitting.

i'm a sucker for temporary tattoos these days.

ariko inaoka's photos, how beautiful are they??? i especially love the erna and hrefna series.  

ellen made my red velvet macaroon cake in miniature tiered form!!!!

this brussels sprout & hazelnut gratin looks sooo perfect.

kelsey has a new elk friend + fig pull-apart bread (!!!!)

coconut oil pie crust!

mandy's new series, "the shit i eat when by myself," is so real and fantastic. 

my friend talia has an entire radio show about pizza and i've spent the week listening to the backlog and i love it so much.

can all of my ice cream cones come with little bunny cookies and christmas trees?


cranberry cornbread parfaits + friday links

today i finally unpacked from my new york trip. i found: smashed halvah, socks i assumed were eaten by the washing machine, a t-shirt from sammy's roumanian that i promptly gave to eggboy, and a whole bunch of clothes that should have been hanging up for the past two weeks. oops! so that's where i'm at. and this weekend i plan on continuing to get my shit together/become a grown-up/not eat any more fried cheesy pickles because i had my first wedding dress fitting yesterday and i don't wanna talk about it/etc. what do you all have planned for the weekend???

here's a recipe for cranberry cornbread parfaits that i did for west elm's blog! it's an easy peasy brunch recipe and a way to use up thanksgiving leftovers, all layered up in a rustic jar of glee. i'll be over on the west elm blog all month with fun thanksgiving brunch recipes, so start your brunch club engines, ladies and gents!!

friday links!

i thought i was going crazy because for the first time in months (years?) i recently found myself not wanting to go on pinterest. my feed was acting all pooey! it turns out i'm not the only one that felt that way, and luckily there is a solution for getting your pinterest feed back to normal!!!

 tahini and za'atar made two appearances together this week!! such lovebirds, they are. here they are with brussels sprouts and here they are with squash.

everything bagel cheese. i repeat: everything bagel cheese.

do you guys ever use silicone lids?? i never gave them a second thought, but then gir sent me some of their lids and i've used them 238743896340984 times since. i do not remember life before them.

i'm still working my way through all of the outrageous recipes that exploded onto the internet for jessica's baby shower. there is a list of all of them with links here!

hey, this salad is tossed with bacon fat.

this recipe for banh mi rolls is making my little middle-of-nowhere sandwich life complete.

this remixed version of sufjan's "the human plague" is the prettiest.

a crazy look behind the scenes at parody twitter accounts.

michelle made my funfetti cake and covered it with her perfect (malted!) chocolate frosting and i want to stick my head in it, ostrich-style.

why yes, i *would* like to fry a whole head of cauliflower and then smother it in tahini sauce. like right now.

savory muffins, savory waffles, give me all the savories, plz.  

happy weekend, everyone!!!


p.s. there is still time to enter my aloha giveaway!!!