what i am loving now

1. green jimmies
2. afternoon or early evening sits
{often with a journal}

3. caramel mustard from auntie lucy

4. happening upon tiny old fashioned barber shops on side streets in the village
5. sack lunches at the museum
6. creamed honey
7. running into old friends at the starbucks, on the subway... them giving me suggestions on which restaurants to add to my list
8. mathieu dufour deciding not to go to LA and to stay with the chicago symphony! yay!

9. late night cannolis, 
apple cake, 
and almond flavored soda 
at a little cafe with my favorite alli

10. dr. bronner's almond scented soap... just slather me with marzipan why don't you
11. not having to wear blush,
 because the cold and the wind do the job for me

have a wonderful weekend!
wear your mittens :-)

