the macaroni & {murray's} cheese cupcake

the answer to all of my life questions. 

that is what i envisioned murray's cheese to be. 

i was let down.

don't get me wrong-
 they've got the most amount of cheeses i've ever seen under one roof,
 but they sure know how to burst an excited cheese loving girl's bubble. 

it started when i was having an afternoon tea at the aroma cafe on 72nd street.
 i suddenly went 
from neutral 
to starving
 to mac & cheese craving. 

i decided that a nice 
whole wheat penne 

a pecorino romano sauce 
would do the deed. 

but if i'm going to use only one cheese in my mac,
it better be a good one.
this, i concluded, was a job for murray.

my shopping list was simple: 

1. a little block of the 
most pungent 
pecorino money can buy
{for the mac}

2. a bit of mr. cheese's favorite pick
{to munch on while making the mac}

i entered the bleecker storefront,
expecting to see a shining light and to hear the voice of angels.
instead all i heard was my very own voice.

i excitedly said to the old man behind the counter,
 to which he answered with a halting stare.

i backed off.
what do i do?
quick, find a cheese.

"oooook. ummmm. ok. can i try this gii...giiinnnnepro right here? is that how i say it?"
he silently raised a very large knife with a chunk of it at the end.
it was pretty bad.
cheese should not take baths in balsamic vinegar.
"ohh. and do you have any sharper pecorino/parmesan-like cheeses?"
he pointed behind me to the prepackaged parmesan.
"may i taste them?"


at least he spoke. 
but did it have to be in that, "how dare you?" tone?!

"...ohhhh k. then can you suggest one that i can taste?"
"...hmm. and what about that one?"
" about the drunken goat cheese? do you like that one???"
am i talking to a wall here?
why is he so annoyed at me?
screw it.
"just gimme some of that goat stuff so i can get out of here, mr cheese dude."

and i was out of there.

you see, i like to make friends with the people behind the counter. have a dialogue about the cheese,
see what they suggest,
see what their faves are,
see what's a bit sharper, 
maybe softer, 
something like this
 but from a goat...?
like, when i asked the man at whole foods what his fave was,
i discovered epoisses! 
which turned out to be one of MY faves!
and when i asked the man at fairway for something tangy
he first complimented me on my hat :-)
then suggested midnight moon. 
which hit the spot!

how am i supposed to expand my cheese knowledge when THE cheese guy treats you like an idiot?

poopity poop poop poop.


i got home and realized that my little mac & cheese making casserole dish was being used for seven layer bars.


the cupcake pan

and the creation of 

 the mac & cheese cupcake

with ketchup in lieu of frosting


they were yummy. and roomies loved them too!

{in your stupid face, mr. cheese man}

