
what i am loving now

1. green jimmies
2. afternoon or early evening sits
{often with a journal}

3. caramel mustard from auntie lucy

4. happening upon tiny old fashioned barber shops on side streets in the village
5. sack lunches at the museum
6. creamed honey
7. running into old friends at the starbucks, on the subway... them giving me suggestions on which restaurants to add to my list
8. mathieu dufour deciding not to go to LA and to stay with the chicago symphony! yay!

9. late night cannolis, 
apple cake, 
and almond flavored soda 
at a little cafe with my favorite alli

10. dr. bronner's almond scented soap... just slather me with marzipan why don't you
11. not having to wear blush,
 because the cold and the wind do the job for me

have a wonderful weekend!
wear your mittens :-)



the macaroni & {murray's} cheese cupcake

the answer to all of my life questions. 

that is what i envisioned murray's cheese to be. 

i was let down.

don't get me wrong-
 they've got the most amount of cheeses i've ever seen under one roof,
 but they sure know how to burst an excited cheese loving girl's bubble. 

it started when i was having an afternoon tea at the aroma cafe on 72nd street.
 i suddenly went 
from neutral 
to starving
 to mac & cheese craving. 

i decided that a nice 
whole wheat penne 

a pecorino romano sauce 
would do the deed. 

but if i'm going to use only one cheese in my mac,
it better be a good one.
this, i concluded, was a job for murray.

my shopping list was simple: 

1. a little block of the 
most pungent 
pecorino money can buy
{for the mac}

2. a bit of mr. cheese's favorite pick
{to munch on while making the mac}

i entered the bleecker storefront,
expecting to see a shining light and to hear the voice of angels.
instead all i heard was my very own voice.

i excitedly said to the old man behind the counter,
 to which he answered with a halting stare.

i backed off.
what do i do?
quick, find a cheese.

"oooook. ummmm. ok. can i try this gii...giiinnnnepro right here? is that how i say it?"
he silently raised a very large knife with a chunk of it at the end.
it was pretty bad.
cheese should not take baths in balsamic vinegar.
"ohh. and do you have any sharper pecorino/parmesan-like cheeses?"
he pointed behind me to the prepackaged parmesan.
"may i taste them?"


at least he spoke. 
but did it have to be in that, "how dare you?" tone?!

"...ohhhh k. then can you suggest one that i can taste?"
"...hmm. and what about that one?"
" about the drunken goat cheese? do you like that one???"
am i talking to a wall here?
why is he so annoyed at me?
screw it.
"just gimme some of that goat stuff so i can get out of here, mr cheese dude."

and i was out of there.

you see, i like to make friends with the people behind the counter. have a dialogue about the cheese,
see what they suggest,
see what their faves are,
see what's a bit sharper, 
maybe softer, 
something like this
 but from a goat...?
like, when i asked the man at whole foods what his fave was,
i discovered epoisses! 
which turned out to be one of MY faves!
and when i asked the man at fairway for something tangy
he first complimented me on my hat :-)
then suggested midnight moon. 
which hit the spot!

how am i supposed to expand my cheese knowledge when THE cheese guy treats you like an idiot?

poopity poop poop poop.


i got home and realized that my little mac & cheese making casserole dish was being used for seven layer bars.


the cupcake pan

and the creation of 

 the mac & cheese cupcake

with ketchup in lieu of frosting


they were yummy. and roomies loved them too!

{in your stupid face, mr. cheese man}



the cheese list.

{my favorite cheeses and how i like them}

fresh mozzarella
in the summer
by the pool
on a sandwich with tomatoes and basil
from mum's garden

smokey gouda + pepper jack
in mac&cheese

cypress hill midnight moon
by itself

swiss emmental
in fondue

on a cold winter evening
with some apples and grapes to dip

{yes! as in the beer!}
at a picnic
on the tanglewood or ravinia grounds

cheese whiz
on a triscuit
at summer camp
after lights out

epoisses berthault
on a rich buttery cracker
as an afternoon snack
{when i have a spare twenty dollars}

fried mozzarella
dipped in red sauce
at the back of a smokey jazz club


and with wine
after a benjamin britten opera
at lorin maazel's farm in virginia

port salut
to bring me wayyy back,
when a three year old me would
send mum to the store just for this cheese

{...and when i don't like cheese}

-at receptions when it's served in cubes along side crackers. 
it's always such a game to see how one really does get equal proportions of cheese and cracker. it's just so impractical! i realize cubes probably look better than slices, but, people, let's be real. i'm done fighting with my cheese.

-when it slides off of my koronet pizza after the first bite. 

-cottage cheese. BLECH.

-when my poor blocks of pecorino romano get mold :-( r.i.p.


i love cheese!!
you got any faves??



week 1: kesté

walking into kesté was like getting a good b12 shot.
the energy from the 80s music,
the brightly painted yellow walls,
and the italian hosts who might as well have been my best friends,
was enough to make me want to break out in song and dance.
{i can assure you though, there wasn't nearly enough room for that}

friend z and i got there at the right time,
because the wait was only 20 minutes
giving us just enough time to browse
the tiny bookstore across the street,
and be back in time for the host to hand out samples of a
fig & gorgonzola pizza
{i've never had figs! i've never had gorgonzola! new friends, you are so tasty!}

a few moments later, and

"bally, table for two"
was ready.

z, "that's us!"
me, "what are you talking about?"
z, "yeah. he thinks your name is bally."
me, "WHAT? my accent is NOT that strong. f this place. we're leaving."

{worry not, we didn't leave}
we sat.
and we were greeted by our new migliore amico,
signore waiter.
who proceeded to tell us the special...

burrata + a WHOLE LAYER OF basil + cherry tomatoes + more burrata =
the life changer

k. one of those please.
and can you suggest one with meat?

the kesté
= tomatoes + buffalo mozzarella + prosciutto + arugula + gran cru + e.v.o.o.


ten minutes later, and...


...and then ten minutes after that...

pizza, where did you go?!

the taste was almost obvious. like. "duh, pizza should taste like this. why doesn't it always?"
the crust was just so doughy and buttery and fulfilling,
and the way it cuddled with its groupies, the cheese and the tomatoes, just made the whole thing one perfect little package.

{yes, i folded my pizza in half when i ate it
no, i do not think this pizza warranted a fork & knife
unlike some people
...but then again, i do come from the last of deep dish, so i won't judge}

also, there was never any diva of the pie.
all of the ingredients were pretty perfectly well balanced.
like for example, when the burrata seemed like it was getting to be too much, mr. basil kicked in to keep things in check.

it was just a very happy pizza.
in a very happy place,
with very happy people.

i'd like to go back. but, people, i have 51 more restaurants to go!




dessert was around the corner, at milk and cookies

which was perfect for a freezing evening.
it was so cute the way they had a little shaker of green jimmies with the condiments...
{that's why my milk is green}

and their s'mores cookies were delicious!
thanks for the suggestion, friend marshy

kesté pizza and vino and milk and cookies bakery are both in the west village.