
through lydia's lens

my friend lydia is one of the most delightful and talented people i know. we met when she was my orientation leader at juilliard, and since graduation we've kept in touch through a shared love of photography, food, and janna gur. she's also secretly my style icon because belieb me, if i could wear dark lipstick like hers without it getting all up in my teeth, i would. 

when i was in new york a few weeks ago, she and i strolled around with brian, and we ate and ate. first israeli food, then mac and cheese pancakes, buffered by matcha lattes and kenny shopsin being kenny shopsin. the whole day was magical because even though the three of us left new york after juilliard, there we were, back in the city on the same beautiful day with nowhere to be but with each other. (sorry, i get all mushy with little college reunions like these!!)

later, lydia and i stopped in lincoln center for some shots on their new bridge over 65th street. we reminisced about our years there, how insane they were, and how much we loved them despite the insanity. it was nice to be back, if only for a moment.

all of these shots were taken by lydia. go check out more of her work, i love it so much!!! especially these farm shots.
