
alphabet soup

can you think of a more perfect evening than eating fried chicken and macaroni and cheese and brownie batter soft serve with roasted pistachios and rainbow jimmies over discussions on fame, photography, and gossip with donny?
i most certainly cannot.
unless it involves an al roker sighting. 

mac and cheese monsters

remember that time when i plum decided to fry up a batch of smokey bacon mac and cheese? and when i brought a new batch to the office like every day and begged people to come by and have a taste? i wasn't being a total fatty, i swear. it was for research purposes! and now the cheeses of my {and your tummy's} labor are here with the fall issue of 
see a history of mac and recipes for:
brie mac + cheese with apples, pancetta, and walnuts
a quick and easy version
indian-spiced mac + cheese with cranberries
fried smokey bacon mac + cheese
the whole magazine is so beautiful, but i am in love with this issue in particular... it is all fall-like and halloweeny. i kind of want to live in violet world. so go check it out. it's all online and free! my article is on page 38, but do check out the whole magazine!