it's a two-challah week. that's not weird, right? (actually when you consider the testing and a camera breakdown, it was probably more like a twelve-challah week so ask me if i've gotten sick of challah, i dare you.)
this is my interpretation of a fashionable loaf. it's got drizzlies of pink, swirls of brown, bling blings of sugar, and a well-tanned epidermis. it's fit for a party and its plus one is brisket. and the recipe is over at barneys new york! i'm extremely excited because i used to stroll into barneys all the time on my little walks home to the upper west side. would you believe it that my splurges used to be marc jacobs and denim, not sprinkles and danskware? i certainly wouldn't.
here are some friday links!
you all made crazy shit this week, i made a lot of audible gasps: i mean, cilantro in peanut ice cream, stroopwaffels in whipped cream, furikake on popcorn?! yes. lots and lots of yes.
i guess i spaced out when this single came out last month, but stars' "from the night" is really scrumptious.
every so often i go down the youtube rabbit hole of batsheva dance videos. i found this one this week and it is ripe with perfection.
can i call this a mac + cheese cake?? (and would these kinda be mac + cheese cupcakes??)
and speaking of cake, just look at this hazelnut fig one. it is art.
i've obviously been going though meryl and charlie withdrawal, but check out kaitlin and jean luc!
this week in tahini (i should just set a google alert for it already): tahini pine nut cookies, no-churn tahini ice cream, and mini cakes with tahini frosting.
the wholesome midwesternness in me doesn't really like describing things as sexy, but when i read this cucumber salad recipe, i couldn't think of any other word.
marzipan body scrub you guys!!!!!!!!!!
there are still a few days to enter my easy gourmet giveaway!
happy weekend everyone!!!!!

p.s. it's come to my attention that some of you are having trouble commenting. oyoyoy! i'm working on having this fixed right now. feel free to bop over to my Facebook page to comment in the meantime!