i ran around like a chicken with my head cut off this whole week. i leave for new york tomorrow (!!!!) so i had to do things like paint my nails black (don't ask me why. ok i'll tell you: i saw it on real housewives and it looked cool.) and buy plane snackees and try and get used to sleeping with pants on again since i'll have roommates for the week. also also also my wedding dress arrived!! omgomgomgomgomg. omg. omg. it was slightly roomier than when i bought it, so me: 1, cake: 0. yasssss, peace out, salads. i should go try to pack (what are kids wearing in new york these days???) so i'll direct you on over to food52, where i have an easy peasy corn dog recipe, a corn dog gif, and the speculation that your wiener is of magnum size.
friday links!
the lady (and pups) has once again made dinner in the middle of nowhere so much easier. this time, with a recipe for xi'an famous foods noodles.
meryl and charlie skated together this week!!!!
coconut in summer rolls? oh yeeeeah baby.
these photos and these photos provided inspiration to me this week when i needed it most.
cakes in a jar, cakes in a jar, give me all the cakes in a jar.
i have never had garlic soup before and i think that needs to change!
a wonderful new blog on dance and food, from one of my juilliard dancer friends. it's eye opening.
on choosing the correct snacks for a date.
i am pretty much already making room on my coffee table for yossy's book.
stewart and claire has new lip balms inspired by death & co. too cool.
i <3 ina.
candied bacon ice cream!!!!!!!!
p.s. there are still a few days to enter my breakfast in bed giveaway!