
can we talk about speculoos spread for a second?

and how it is totally the answer to all of life's questions that nutella doesn't address? ok, that's mean. this yummy gingerbready spread isn't the second choice. it is the really awesome exchange student, that unbelievable restaurant that doesn't have a website, your favorite green pants that are just a teensy bit too casual for casual friday. it is spunkily unpretentious, it's probably never had a commercial in the u.s. before {but then again it wouldn't know because it doesn't have a t.v.}, and its texture is so welcoming and smooth.

the fellows at the wafels + dinges truck introduced us about two years ago. at the time i wasn't sold, i don't know why. {maybe i was a judgmental go-with-the-flow butt face}. but in march, when i was in france, i bought a jar of it because i hadn't seen it at any stores in new york-- and it was love at second tasting. then tout à coup it was at whole foods, and gristedes, and now trader joe's. officially, no one has an excuse not to have some.

here are some things i like to do with it:
-put it on bread
-eat it with a spoon or fork
-stir it in greek yogurt
-tell mum to make rugelach with it
-at midnight, turn on gossip girl, and spread it on the entire batch of peanut butter brownies that i'm about to eat.
{learn how to make the above speculoos swirls here}

everyone, screw yr resolutions and buy lotsa speculoos.