you may call me macaron molly

the prospect of making macarons has not even been an option,
lest my baking ego get destroyed.
until today. 
when, after watching a wonderful rehearsal of the chicago symphony
playing mahler 9 and enjoying a bit of tea at the russian tea time,
i had an entire half a day to fill with whatever i pleased,
i filled it with the time and patience it takes to {successfully} make
toasted sesame macarons
i used this recipe and i chose to add toasted sesames
because when i was five i had an imaginary friend named
gumpug {pronounced, "justit"} who went to a school called
sesame school.
i immediately regret typing that and i might delete it tomorrow.
but also i like that the sesames add a really great,
not-too-sweet nutty taste. 
and not to boast {though really i'm about to},
but i'm really proud of myself for actually pulling through with 
this recipe. normally when a recipe has a direction
that involves double boiling and stiff peaks and lots of sitting,
i lose my patience and say f that and buy whatever i'm trying to make.
but i did it! 
and the skins formed,
and the icing hardened,
and i sifted. i sifted. sifting is really annoying,
but i did it and it was worth it because now there are 
lots and lots of macarons in my fridge and they are like
ladurée, watch out. 
