
la jolla

{or rather, an endsummer manifesto}

order all the things animal style
extra animal style
drink beers with grandma
cash in on those tacos
do not let the jellyfish scare you
when people tell you you're tall, tell them they're short
yes, pineapple belongs on that black bean burger
yes, you should definitely go under the limbo bar
no, tokyo string quartet, you should not retire
salad can be a meal if there are marrow bones involved.
more often, steak should be eaten poolside at midnight.



 time: unknown
location: café de koe, amsterdam
what are they gonna do?
FEBO, the dutch automat fast food restaurant,
will surely be open at this hour.
epilogue: rob and molly eat a few more krokets
and then go to sleep with happy tummies!!!!

outside amsterdam

in about the time it would take to bike from harlem to park slope, rob and i biked from amsterdam to a little windmill village, zaanse schans. what a cute little place! like the real life version of it's a small world, only better because zaanse schans has a windmill that makes mustard. {see the excitement in the fourth photo?} immediately when i saw it my dream to have a backyard chicken coop and tree house transformed into a dream to have a backyard mustard windmill. who needs anything else when you have a mustard windmill. 
such magic.
rob and i really couldn't get enough of the whole countryside thing, so a few days later we took a little tour to edam-volendam and ate pancakes by the water and learned how wooden shoes are made. what do you think the chances are of wooden shoes becoming super trendy? should we make it happen?


if amsterdam were a person, i think perhaps she would be that very pretty, well-dressed human who is nice to just about everyone. who is easy to talk to, enjoys throwing gatherings, and probably has a family farm in connecticut that dates back many generations {but you're really not quite sure}. sometimes you wish she'd tell you what she really thought or say the f word. other times you are so very grateful for the quaintness of her company. 
food in amsterdam i ate and loved.
fries at vleminckx
herring sandwich at rob wigboldis vishandel
krokets at febo
pâté + cherry beer at die zotte
ice cream at ijscuypje
bitterballen at café de engelbewaarder
everything at café de koe
gevulde koeken {almond paste cookies!!} everywhere
