

on my flight back from chicago i didn't have a book because i had just finished the book thief and hadn't gotten into a new one yet, so i played with my new favorite app, paper, which is this fun drawing/water color thingy. i basically dreamt up a bunch of sandwiches that are not allowed on passover because this year i thought it would be an interesting experience to keep kosher for passover, which i don't normally do. so far it hasn't been that difficult (having a gluten-free manfriend helps). except this morning my cupboards were bare-ish and one of my only options was a bacon jam matzo sandwich. oops. oh and then today chris is bringing homemade hot cross buns to a thing and i really cannot wait to eat one. 

*pause while i do some research about whether or not i will be disqualified from birthright if i blog about bacon on my matzoh*

(ok, we're in the clear.)

in other news, i have officially swapped out my puffy coat for my lighter spring jackets, i am currently in the market for a new molly mobile, sigur ros is on the radio, and i am furiously drafting what i will say when i officiate stoop's wedding in two weeks.



i made sliders based on my family's potsticker filling recipe because i am completely dumpling-ed out in this moment {the past few weeks my hands have formed probably hundreds of dumplings} but i somehow can't get past the delightful combination of fresh ginger and green onions all together in meaty solidarity.

the soft steamed buns provide a wonderful vehicle for these puppies, but they are also great served on a bed of sesame saucy brussels sprouts.


what i'm loving these days

black jeans: my instructional photography book that i've been reading on the subway leaves no brain power to remember to cross my legs and sit like a lady, and i've lately found myself working right up until 10 minutes after i should have left to go to something. this obviously leaves no time to think about skirts or fashions. enter: my two pairs of black jeans, one by cheap monday and one by bulldog. they go perfectly with all of my three sweaters, they're forgiving when i eat too many sandwiches, and they transition so gosh darn seamlessly from day to night.

marzipan: when pumpkin season ended, marzipan season began. and, oh, how i'd been counting down the days. nothing says the holidays like a marzipan cookie dunked in marzipan hot chocolate that you share with your pet marzipan pig. my marzipan plans for the season include stirring it into yogurt, making donuts with it, and possibly attempting a princess cake

BLTs: would there actually be any long term consequences of my decision to eat only BLTs and marzipan things for a week or six? other than my unsurpassed happiness? this simple sandwich that i've been making with homemade aioli, romas, butter lettuce, and turkey bacon is--in this week's version of my opinion--the best sandwich ever in the world.

trader joe's mesquite smoked almonds: these things are the sophisticated grown-up answer to cheetos in the way that the entire time you're eating them you think about how it's possible that these taste so good and you want to know why they weren't invented until they were invented.

all of these end of the year top ten lists: so that i can relive my fomo about missing einstein on the beach. and so i can see how many more-qualified people agree with me about roomful of teeth and lost in the trees and my other favorite music-makers nailing it this year.
