
indie food and wine

with the birth of a casual cozy cafe with local 
ingredients and a juilliard discount
that serves brussel sprouts and squash soup
and that is located in the butt region of the lincoln
comes the answer to every question that arises
when there's an elite event happening in tully,
or when you want yummy, trendy food before work or a concert.
{assuming you simply didn't dress for the lincoln that morning.
yes, that's why.}
is my new favorite.
it is not perfect. my soup is sometimes lukewarm.
but it is the mature version of the steak n shake from my past life as a teenager:
the regular, familiar eatery where everyone knows everyone
and there are booths and you can sit for hours and talk about the meaning of life or gossip.


interview: conrad tao

 {classy conrad}
{kind of hipster conrad}

you may know conrad tao from the front page of itunes this week,
or from being the only classical musician on that forbes 30 under 30 list,
or from soloing with like every orchestra ever...
i still think of him as the toddler that played the 
mendelssohn violin concerto with our youth orchestra.
though he's twice the height now, he is still has that face, 
the super smiley one!
and i love running into him at juilliard because it reminds me of
all my fun youth orchestra times way back when.
here's a little interview with him:

tell us, preferably in another language, about the best taco you ever ate.
it was in an open storefront taqueria in mexico city; i can't remember the name of the place. all i remember was losing my arrachera virginity amidst a heavenly cornucopia of flavor. cilantro and raw onions (which i used to abhor) were in abundance. ahh. divinamente delicioso.

if you were forced to trade in your piano for enough of one flavor of pringle (or any other food) to fill the same amount of space in your home, which would you choose and why?
original. i don't mess around!!!

if your compositions were a restaurant, which would it be?
kefi--flawed, occasionally overindulgent, perpetually aiming for bold flavor, always well-intentioned.

what is your favorite thing to eat after a performance?
mcflurry, no contest. close second: a fat medium-rare burger with mushrooms and oodles of cheese. it can be room service or it can be a bison burger at proof on main in louisville.

thank you, conrad!!

{top photo credit: ruiming wang}

from the stage

at times in the show
i have to stand on the balcony
and watch the play unfolding below me.
no itching or coughing or biting my nails allowed.
just... stone-faced, watch the girl go crazy,
and do nothing about it {save for a dramatic waterphone note when she 
*spoiler-alert* faints}.
it's a really great way to experience the play
for like the first seven times.
but now it is like a random thoughtfest in my brain.
so in the unlikely chance that you've seen the show
and have looked up during the booby scene and thought:
gee, i wonder what waterphone girl is thinking right now,
here are some recent ones:
1. holy bejeezus guacamole i want a scrambled egg sandwich from
the australia dairy company.
3. all the different colors i am going to paint my nails once the run is over.

4. mia will be six soon!
5. that little fast repeating descending violin moment in the last track on the new punch brothers cd...
6. sometimes i feel more like myself when i am at my desk,
emailing, answering calls, writing, and interacting with people.
other times i feel more like myself when i am in my
little bubble, playing the waterphone and not talking.
7. hong kong, paris, california, israel, milan? marc jacobs,
hong kong, hong kong... pastrami...
*oh no oh no... here it comes... waterphone!!!*

opening night!

rehearsals are dunzo,
the show opened,
and i didn't even forget any of my lines*!!!
it was so fun and great, i just about cried.
but instead of crying i proceeded to eat 
so much steak
at the after party. omg what was i thinking.
*i don't have any lines
anyways, there are about a bigillion trillion more shows
in the run, so i hope all of my people can come!