
gobble gobble

thanksgiving in tampa

i'm thankful for palm trees
the sun

i'm thankful that cousins have me over to their beautiful house

i'm thankful that i'm somehow related to a balloon artist

...and i'm even more thankful that he made this
hella sweet cupcake balloon hat

i'm thankful for
sister stoopie + mum

"two stoops eating soup"

it was one big cooking party...

is there really anything better than cooking with your family all day??

yes, silly.
{it's drinking with your family all day...}

sister stoop + man

time to work up an appetite...

i'm thankful for these adorable place settings made by little cousins!

carving the tryptophan...

i'm thankful for this!!!!

good thing i wore my eating pants

this year's strategy for a successful pig-out
{inspired by the gobbler at the milburn deli}

1. slice open a sister schubert's roll
hailing from the south,
these rolls pack so much buttery goodness into one tiny morsel.
if you've never had one, get them now (they're available online).
i could eat six pans in one sitting.
2. spread on a dollop of cranberry sauce
3. slap on a slice of turkey, preferably covered in gravy
4. shovel on some stuffing
5. close, and eat like a sandwich
6. repeat
7. repeat
8. repeat
(etc etc)

i am sooooo thankful for my family!!!

i am also thankful that little cousin mia is the future leila josefowicz...

and most of all,
i am thankful for sharpie marker


time to hit the gym...



a few of my favorite new york places...

{for a certain miss ema that will be making her way to the island in a few days...}

for chrismikah present shopping...

the best little girlie chochkies
from new designers
...and the gift wrapping is the best part!

for some late night greasy food...

the BEST belgian fries and a zillion sauces.
and they're served in a cone!
also open way past my bed time.

performance venue

sometimes there are bizzaro things going on in this joint.
but other times there are awesome things like my friends' bands!


half dance club, half concert venue
full bar
their concerts are wayyy to hip for me. but i try anyways :-)

thrift store

in brooklyn!
it's HUGE and simply too good to be true.

tea time

(dear ema,
i am actually ordering you to go here.
you will not regret it.)
their pumpkin scones = heaven!


(duh.. who doesn't have an inner carrie bradshaw?)


they have a green tea and a chocolate soufflé cupcake!

shopping areas

bleecker street
1 train to christopher street
(marc jacobs, BABY marc jacobs, mulberry, magnolia, intermix, olive and bettes, jack spade, cynthia rowley)

b or d train to broadway-lafayette

L train to bedford
cute little antique and thrift shops
and shops where you can get things that you will NOT find anywhere else!
(and no, ema, not williamsburg, virginia :-)


in brooklyn.
just allow yourself for about a two hour wait, no joke!
and worth it.
delicious sicilian!

dumont burger in williamsburg
5napkin burger (my favorite of the faves!)

burger joint at le parker meridien
landmarc at the time warner center in columbus circle

more food and drinksies

a whole restaurant devoted just to mac and cheese?
yes please.

home to one of the best meals of my life!
if you're into wienerschnitzel :-)

cheap, authentic japanese food.
you crouch on little stools while they play japanese songs from the 30s.

a total establishment.
they didn't allow women in until recently.
and there's saw dust on the ground for easier cleaning of puke and blood.
just two kinds of beer- light and dark,
and crackers + the spiciest mustard you've ever had in your life.

this place is huge and half of it is outdoors.
i sometimes feel hipped out by the native downtowners...
but it's fun anyways :-)

...and you can always just go on a dumpling tour


i've never actually been here,
but it's a park built on an old elevated train rail.
i hear it is super awesome fawesome.


i mean, of course there's always lady libs.
what up, miss thang?

and when your feet are killing you from all that running around...

pedis + drinks.
'nuff said.

have so much fun, ema!!



bird poop, and a wonderful recital

i got bird pooped on today.
and then had an awesome laugh about it with myself on the sidewalk.
it was the best part of my day...

that is until i saw this guy in recital.
friend peter played FIVE beethoven sonatas from memory!
oh it was so fantastic.
so in the moment...
so rock star like.
i think i had as much fun as he did.

and to be quite honest,
i've never really considered music that was written before, like 1980, to be my cup of tea.
but when beethoven is played this well with this much energy,
i mean... he might as well be xenakis.

go peter!!

furthermore, in the program he added this quote that i am still pondering:

"when you are joyous,
look deep into your heart
and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow
that is giving you joy,

when you are sorrowful
look again in your heart,
and you shall see that in truth you are weeping
for that which has been your delight"

kahlil gibran's the prophet


i hope you all have lovely weekends filled with lots of pumpkin flavored things!
{i will be either [a] practicing, or [b] at the new costco that just opened on east 116th}



oh.. and a very important post script...

happy birthday to two of my very best friends!

my b dubbs
i love you because you created the sound that a zonkey makes (zee-haw),
because you give me awesome encouraging pep talks,
and because you are a fantastic singer.
i love you even when you burp.


i love you even though you once sprayed squirty cheese all over my blackberry,
i love you for hugging me when i came out of my juilliard audition bawling,
and i love you for once upon a time eating pancakes with a side of mac and cheese and corned beef hash.

have wonderful birthdays, my loves. i wish i could be in texas and cleveland to bake you cake! xoxo

there comes a point
when rehearsing doesn't feel like rehearsing anymore
when instead
you feel like you're sitting in the best seat of a concert

and the room just oozes with inspiration...

hello, MTT :-)

i am so excited for this concert!

tomorrow, the juilliard orchestra plays:

harrison pacifika rondo, 1. the family of the court
chen er huang: concerto for piano and orchestra
lang lang, piano
mahler das lied von der erde
anne sofie von otter, mezzo soprano

i'll be at the back. hitting stuff.

i'd love to see you all there!

