bird poop, and a wonderful recital

i got bird pooped on today.
and then had an awesome laugh about it with myself on the sidewalk.
it was the best part of my day...

that is until i saw this guy in recital.
friend peter played FIVE beethoven sonatas from memory!
oh it was so fantastic.
so in the moment...
so rock star like.
i think i had as much fun as he did.

and to be quite honest,
i've never really considered music that was written before, like 1980, to be my cup of tea.
but when beethoven is played this well with this much energy,
i mean... he might as well be xenakis.

go peter!!

furthermore, in the program he added this quote that i am still pondering:

"when you are joyous,
look deep into your heart
and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow
that is giving you joy,

when you are sorrowful
look again in your heart,
and you shall see that in truth you are weeping
for that which has been your delight"

kahlil gibran's the prophet


i hope you all have lovely weekends filled with lots of pumpkin flavored things!
{i will be either [a] practicing, or [b] at the new costco that just opened on east 116th}



oh.. and a very important post script...

happy birthday to two of my very best friends!

my b dubbs
i love you because you created the sound that a zonkey makes (zee-haw),
because you give me awesome encouraging pep talks,
and because you are a fantastic singer.
i love you even when you burp.


i love you even though you once sprayed squirty cheese all over my blackberry,
i love you for hugging me when i came out of my juilliard audition bawling,
and i love you for once upon a time eating pancakes with a side of mac and cheese and corned beef hash.

have wonderful birthdays, my loves. i wish i could be in texas and cleveland to bake you cake! xoxo