
la jolla

{or rather, an endsummer manifesto}

order all the things animal style
extra animal style
drink beers with grandma
cash in on those tacos
do not let the jellyfish scare you
when people tell you you're tall, tell them they're short
yes, pineapple belongs on that black bean burger
yes, you should definitely go under the limbo bar
no, tokyo string quartet, you should not retire
salad can be a meal if there are marrow bones involved.
more often, steak should be eaten poolside at midnight.


dubuque, between rests

1. dubuque does not look like this, this shot was taken en route from illinois because i have a thing for silos. dubuque is hilly and gorgeous and filled with cows. it is perfect for a really difficult run that prepares you for the amount of cheese in the average iowa partygoer diet; it is perfect for discovering a patch of ambition, dreaming up projects. the type of thing that city streets with honky taxis does not foster. 
2. & 3. host mum: molly, what do you like to eat?
me: anything but bananas, mushrooms, and seafood. i particularly love sampling local specialties.
host mum: oh, you know what you must try?
me: what must i try??
my head: local asparagus? corn? perhaps a pig from the farm down the road??
host mum: taco pizza from happy joe's!
so i ate the taco pizza. i enjoyed the taco pizza. i would totally eat again, that taco pizza. it is the answer to those times when i am eating a taco but am craving something doughy. taco stuff on pizza dough, get at that, rick bayless. 
4. {left} & 6. another dubuque specialty, mario's panzerotti. essentially a deep fried calzone. yummy, but easter island face inducing when i consider my poor tummy in the aftermath. 
4. {right} iowa people are boozy people in the best possible way. i began my days with whiskey in my coffee, ended them with all kinds of bubbly.
5. i caught a firefly on the summer solstice. 
7. so much talent, about to eat so much taco pizza.

stream of consciousness day

to ring in my birthday, rob and maria and i engaged in stream of consciousness day: a 24-hour piece of performance art centered on doing whatever we want, when we want it. obviously there's not much planning to be done aside from taking a vacation day from work and mentally preparing yourself for the possibility that your stream of consciousness could lead you to a tattoo parlor or the lunchable aisle of the grocery store or, heaven forbid, staten island. luckily our streams didn't lead us to do any permanent damage. i was mostly looking to eat as many breakfast sandwiches as possible, maria and i got massages and our nails did, and rob went to the party store to buy those absurd clown glasses for us. we ate cake balls and nougats and... we just didn't hold back when it came to eating and drinking. the day ended with sangria and bacon cheeseburgers on the hudson as the sun set, some really strong coconut cake at good enough to eat, and belly aches that carried on into the next day. hehe, oops. 

jewish sandwiches!

sometimes i cringe at the idea of "best of" lists because they tend to bring lots of hate into the world via the comments section. but when research involves eating bagels and going on adventures, i mean, who can say no??
i had a ton of fun putting this article together on 10 of the best jewish sandwiches in america and i even acquired a piece of ruth reichl original prose for my inbox. go read it!

{pic: mile end smoked meat sandwich, courtesy of mile end}