holidays and celebrations

let's take the choo choo to a little town in the mountains

where people wave hello
and there's a main street called main street
and a little stand outside the book store says "free books!"
we'll go to the town market
and they'll pamper us with stone soup, pumpkins, and cinnamon...
if i get cold, it's ok i have my mittens. you have yours too??
and a few victorian houses 
will take up our afternoon,
then a little cafe on the corner will serve egg creams and mac and cheese.
you'll say something funny. i'll smile.
we'll stroll till dusk, down the river, out on the dock.
and then back to the city we'll go!
so won't you come to beacon with me last weekend?



happy birthday mum!!!!!!!!!

it's mommy's birthday!!!
this is a picture of her, as accurately as my drawring skills would allow.
isn't she pretty???
she's the best mama ever!
i miss her so so much 
and i wish she was here right now so i could bake her a gossip girl cake and take her to wallse and to the schnitzel truck and to see one of them broadway shows.
i also wish that whoever stole the blueberry lemon verbena jam that i bought for her would get hit by a moped. 
i love you, mum!



the day i overdosed on food.

if i made a list of everything that i ate today, you would be shocked. i would be grossed out. the world would explode.
so take cover because i'm going to do just that...
the following was eaten between the hours of noon and 5pm today, at the new york city wine and food festival: 
a tongue slider, a bacon cheeseburger, tater tots filled with bacon, a bacon egg roll, vanilla ice cream with wasabi dust, a sprinkle cookie, two ham and cheese crepes, a lamb sandwich, a lamb taco, a korean taco, another taco, bone marrow and oxtail marmalade on brioche, vanilla mousse, a chocolate caramel cupcake, tater salad, a super spicy kati roll, pork on rice, lamb and figs on couscous, a fluffer nutter cookie sandwich, a falafel wrap, a blondie, a mexican chocolate brownie, a peanut butter and jelly cookie sandwich, about six other unidentified sandwiches...
and to wash it all down i had egg creams, vodka, cherry vodka, wine, smart water, and milk shakes. 
stuffed is an understatement. 
pop my belly with that tooth pick of yours and watch midtown get rained on by tacos.
it was disneyland. 
disneyland times trader joe's plus the barney's warehouse sale divided by kenmare's new york times rating. 
disneyland with booze and pat lafrieda things...
populated by andrew zimmern, ming tsai, an anderson twin, chef spike, jeffrey chodorow,
the super hunk that is tyler florence...
schnitzel friends, the midtown lunch man...
and the most wonderful girl behind this amazing blog {all the way from miami!!}
so. don't mind me, i'll be at the salad bar for the next month... 
but it's ok because it was worth every stretch mark!



ok, the vendys.

 you know that question that people always ask you...
if you were trapped on a desert island and could only have three food trucks with you, 
which three would you bring??
the vendys are the real life version of that. but you don't have to choose just three.
because, essentially, what you do is you chill on gov'ner's island all day, and you float around to about twenty of the best food trucks from the city {and philly} 
and in between trucks, you blaze drink large amounts of riesling. 
and you bask in the sun. and you make new friends. and you avoid the port-o-potties like the devil.
this is the schnitzel truck crew!!!!!!!! and a hairy chest.
and check out these schnitz burger balls!! they're the dead version of those cake balls i been seeing errywhere. and they were all gobbled up before i got one :-( :-( :-( :-(
and look! i got to serve tater salad and cucumber salad to happy and hungry people. 
and later, it was "chickpeas? beets? feta on those beets? i think you need feta on those beets."
i finally got a chance to try the big gay ice cream truck!!
i had a little sample of vanilla soft serve with curry coconut and ginger syrup. it was so good.
other things i consumed were:
a ginger mint slushie from the kelvin slushie bro-mobile {mmmmmm}
taiwanese-style potsticka {mmmmmmmm}
a venezuelan sandwich on grilled plantains {mmmmm, i know, plantains, but still mmmm}
dragon's beard candy {what on earth? MMMMMMMM}
weenie-shaped falafel from the falafel king {hmmmmm}
and chai masala guerilla ice cream {hmmmmmm. ok. mm}
at the end there were awards given out. which i didn't really pay attention to. well, i did, but i got sad about them and invented my own:
the molly cup award
the schnitzel truck!
the badass awesome award
the schnitzel truck!
the-omg-your-fried-meat-is-so-good-especially-with-extra-mustard-and-extra-lemon-and-tater-salad-mmmmmmm-tater-salad award
the schnitzel truck!

it was a clean sweep, for sure.
it was also the best day ever.
nothing beats a day on an island with food trucks.



for further reading on the vendys...
grab a tissue and read my new awesome friend mister culver lake's post about it
or read my new awesome photographer friend donny's minute-by-minute account!

all pictures on this post are copyrighted by donny tsang. he is a badass food photographer. teach me, donny!