
la jolla

{or rather, an endsummer manifesto}

order all the things animal style
extra animal style
drink beers with grandma
cash in on those tacos
do not let the jellyfish scare you
when people tell you you're tall, tell them they're short
yes, pineapple belongs on that black bean burger
yes, you should definitely go under the limbo bar
no, tokyo string quartet, you should not retire
salad can be a meal if there are marrow bones involved.
more often, steak should be eaten poolside at midnight.


midsummer manifesto

cat call to your daddy
sip beer from a straw
order whatever you want to bring us
wait hours for a hot dog that is topped with foie gras
stick your finger in your nose
the finger with the brand new rock on it*
eat seconds and thirds of the grilled pineapple
read the book you think makes you look sophisticated
leave the concert early to watch five episodes of girls
sneak into the jelly fish exhibit 
remove your elbows from the table
apply hot pink lipgloss
embrace grayscale
f punctuation in the a

*stoop got engaged

chicago summer::::that is a wrap

et, recently

{1} mum's famous baked onion rings.
{2} summery steak bánh mì buns with sesame dipping sauce.
{3} ricotta + fig + rosemary toast.
{4} red velvet croissants, bbq pork croissants, other cracked out croissants, the reason i go to the gym. recipes will be in the summer violet.
{5} midnight mochi, of the black sesame variety.

sweet cheeses, i've been eating well. weeks like this make me forget that restaurants even exist. i mean, i can sit at home in my kitchen with no pants on and eat all of this yumminess? screw per se.


iron & pinot

last year i discovered iron and wine and since then all i want to do is listen to that man on repeat tell me to please remember him and whisper his other no b.s. lyrics all honestly and calmly like he does. i want to be in his sound's world: barefoot on a candlelit porch in the woods, swaying and almost drunk. someone cover me with the pretty anthemic blanket.

over the weekend, jaclyn and luke and i had a little hummus and pinot picnic and then watched iron and wine perform at ravinia. it was absolutely lovely and beard-filled.
