
monster attack

i am back in new york,
with a very stuffed belly!
 i had such a wonderful time at home...
cooking with mum,
eating dim sum with sisters,
running in the fall weather,
and meeting my niecedog, audrey!
give me an airplane and i'll take all of my weekends like this one.

when i was a wee one...

i had a wicked collection of marzipan pigs
and an extensive knowledge of benches.
{a favorite hobby was testing out every single one that i found}
other obsessions included tupperware,
spelling the word zucchini,
and substituting my middle name for trapezoid
{it's rebecca}
my goals in life were to be a mathematician and to drive a limo.
i had a lisp.
i had a bowl cut.
and no intention of ever eating jellyfish.

{what were you like when you were a wee one?}


happy father's day

to the pops with the iron stomach,
who loves paella and anything with unlimited toppings,
who knows exactly one knock knock joke,
who used to sport a wicked mustache and a giant asianfro,
who will play the sesame street theme song on his clarinet whenever i want,
and who never 
 gives up.
you rock, pops!!!
-your favorite middle offspring