
meditations on baloney

before there was schnitzel, there was baloney.
 lunch dates with mum were a baloney sandwich and matzoh ball soup at the deli, my go-to lunchable was the baloney one, and i even once dressed up in a pig costume, put my stuffed cow on a leash, and sang the wiener song in front of the wiener mobile to audition for the oscar meyer commercial. 
it's true: baloney wins hard. it is the teddy bear of comfort food. 
the thing is, it's kind of embarrassing because when somebody makes fun of you for eating all of those animal byproducts ground up and then formed into a perfect cylinder, 
you have no defense because they're absolutely right. 
well, i guess the only defense is YEAH, BUT IT TASTES AWESOME. 
and also,
is anyone else uncomfortable spelling out b-o-l-o-g-n-a and pronouncing "baloney?"
it's like nails on a chalkboard to me. (no offense, bologna-eaters, you are still one of us). 
oh baloney, you have such a hard life.
anyways, on schedule with no-shame november, i stumbled across seersucker in carroll gardens
which has a fried baloney sandwich ON THEIR ADULT MENU.
like, just chillen there, as if it belonged there. 
it was such an emotional experience, seeing my childhood on the little menu hanging in the window.
i wiped my tears, went in, and ordered me one baloney sandwich please and ate it and there was dijon mustards on it! and it was on an english muffin and it was greasy and soft and salty and baloney-y and... oh i'm choking up.
baloney, i love you. you are amazing and beautiful in your own way.
don't worry about organic free-range sustainable vegan chickens taking over the world,
 it is only a matter of time before everyone else realizes that they need not be embarrassed anymore. 
baloney-loving is something to be proud of...right? who is with me? anyone?



shameless loves, by mrs. branflake!

things that mrs. branflake loves
{but really probably shouldn't}
i'm really into the high concentration of baloney and hot dogs on this list.
fried boloney sandwiches with mayo
fried boloney, fried egg, on top of white rice with soy sauce
mac and cheese from the box, with hot dogs, and ketchup
a can of white potatoes and a jar of brown gravy.  microwaved. 
mini corn dogs
canned nacho cheese on everything
non food:
never washing my face at night (i don't break out or anything)
flossing maybe three times a week.  maybe.
sleeping until 9 am on a regular bases.  staying in bed until 10 am reading or blogging.
kristin hannah novels
two words: center stage

thank you, ms. branflake 
 a very happy no shame november to you!

{photo: tom huynh}


it's that time of year again...
that time when you don't have to feel bad about bringing lunchables to work, farting during yoga, or eating the last piece of naan.
yes, that's right:
it's no-shame november!!!
shit yeah.
so go ahead and order disco fries, buy jeggings, and yes, you can even stop shaving your armpits.
here are the things that i'll be shamelessly loving:

making faces at babies
omg so many lunchables
taking the elevator down one flight
using a spoon when i should be using a fork
silly bandz
dinosaur silly banz
forgetting to do my laundry for the whole month
becoming a chess master
adding richard simmons: disco sweat to my netflix queue

there it is.
i can taste the big macs now.
do you have a list of shameless loves?? send it to me soon: yeh.molly@gmail.com
and if you love me you won't use any caps :-)



{photo by donny}

let's take the choo choo to a little town in the mountains

where people wave hello
and there's a main street called main street
and a little stand outside the book store says "free books!"
we'll go to the town market
and they'll pamper us with stone soup, pumpkins, and cinnamon...
if i get cold, it's ok i have my mittens. you have yours too??
and a few victorian houses 
will take up our afternoon,
then a little cafe on the corner will serve egg creams and mac and cheese.
you'll say something funny. i'll smile.
we'll stroll till dusk, down the river, out on the dock.
and then back to the city we'll go!
so won't you come to beacon with me last weekend?

