shameless loves, by mrs. branflake!

things that mrs. branflake loves
{but really probably shouldn't}
i'm really into the high concentration of baloney and hot dogs on this list.
fried boloney sandwiches with mayo
fried boloney, fried egg, on top of white rice with soy sauce
mac and cheese from the box, with hot dogs, and ketchup
a can of white potatoes and a jar of brown gravy.  microwaved. 
mini corn dogs
canned nacho cheese on everything
non food:
never washing my face at night (i don't break out or anything)
flossing maybe three times a week.  maybe.
sleeping until 9 am on a regular bases.  staying in bed until 10 am reading or blogging.
kristin hannah novels
two words: center stage

thank you, ms. branflake 
 a very happy no shame november to you!

{photo: tom huynh}