
fluffy pistachio cake with pomegranate buttercream

in 2017 i resolve to...

1. be a tidy human, the kind that is tidy enough for unannounced visitors to swing by for a slice of cake and not be totally horrified.

2. probably not eat as many potato chips as i did in 2016. 

actually, i don't think i like this resolution.

3. have 1-2 more hangovers than i did in 2016. i was, like, *pretty* straightedged this year because with the whole book tour and all the traveling and everything i never felt like i had the luxury of proper recovery time from an all-nighter. i mean, i have no regrets. but that's the problem, i think i'm allowed a couple more regrets...?

4. get a hobby. someone asked me the other day what i do besides food and music and my answer was workout but that's not really a hobby so much it is a thing that i do so i don't die or have to buy new clothes. i dunno... i guess i could read more and check instagram less? or get into birding??? i just met some of the town birders and their description of it sounded so cool. 

5. do more community things. eggboy and i have just started this and it's been the most fulfilling so i want to do it more. eggboy joined the board of our town co-op and i am starting to work with a new community food truck in town. i'm so excited about it and can't wait to tell you more once i know more. 

6. be a great bridesmaid! i'm gonna be one four times this year! i simply cannot wait! it's going to be a year of parties... which i guess will really help with #3!! 

ok that's enough resolutions, let's address this pink cake! 

unlike the dense fudgey pistachio loaf cake from bklyn larder that fueled my former brooklyn existence (and inspired the pistachio cake in molly on the range), this cake is a fluffy happy layered thing. it has the mouthfeel of your favorite vanilla birthday cake but its flavor is pimped out with pistachio, almond, and pomegranate. one pistachio cake isn't better than the other, it's just different. i think of the bklyn larder loaf as an afternoon snack situation, while this one, in all of its pink buttercreamed glory, calls for a celebration. a new year, perhaps! 

fluffy pistachio cake with pomegranate buttercream

makes one 2-layer 8-inch cake


1 c roasted unsalted pistachios

1 3/4 c sugar

2 1/4 c flour

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

1 1/2 tsp kosher salt

2 large eggs

1 c buttermilk

1/2 c vegetable or canola oil

1 tsp almond extract

1 tb vanilla extract

3/4 c water


1 1/2 c butter

4 c powdered sugar

big pinch salt

1 tsp vanilla

2 tb whole milk

green and red food coloring (optional)

1/4 cup pomegranate juice




preheat oven to 350ºf.

grease two 8-inch round cake pans and line the bottoms with parchment.

place the pistachios in a food processor and grind them until you have small crumbs. measure out 1/4 cup of the crumbs and set them aside for the filling.

pour the remaining crumbs into a large bowl and whisk in the rest of the dry ingredients. in a medium bowl, whisk together all of the wet ingredients. whisk the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and then pour into the cake pans and bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. begin checking for doneness at 28 minutes.

let the cakes cool in the pans for 10 minutes, and then turn them onto a greased cooling rack.


use an electric mixer to beat together the butter, powdered sugar, salt, vanilla, and milk until smooth. measure out 1 cup of the frosting and set it aside for the filling. add a tiny drop of red food coloring (if desired) and the pomegranate juice and beat to combine.

to make the filling, mix a tiny drop of green food coloring (if desired) and the reserved ground pistachios to the reserved 1 cup of frosting.


level your cake layers and spread the top of one of them with the pistachio-filled frosting. place the other layer on top, and then frost all over with the remaining frosting. 



pictured: plates // cake stand // cake flags