corn meal

corn dog in a bowl

hiiii from san fran where i am full on spam, pizza, and happiness because go cubs!!!!! i had such a great night last night at my signing at the mill (people made t-shirts about it!!!) and then hurry scurried back to my hotel to watch the cubs win. i screamed, duh. today i am guest chef-ing at the twitter office and then i'm hoping to go see the golden gate bridge and eat some vegetables! it has been sunny and perfect scarf weather and ok let's talk about corn dogs! 

one of my favorite recipes that was cut from molly on the range is also one of my oldest blog recipes. it emerged when I was deep in preparations for my senior recital and feeling blobby about a breakup. It was enough stress to cause me to not eat for like, a day, and when I snapped out of it I found polenta and a sausage in my fridge and whittled this meal which was enjoyed from under a layer of pink juicy velour. It tasted just like a corn dog and you could eat it with a spoon.

Since then, I’ve shepherded this dish into adulthood with a smooth buttery polenta, a big thick wiener, and a pile of sautéed greens to class up the joint. The greens are optional, of course, but i think they add some nice color, and kind round everything out into a dish that's fit for a quick yet civilized supper. 

I'm posting it today in celebration of cynthia from two red bowls and her new baby (bowl 3!!!!!). seriously look at this little nugget. i mean, that nose!! those cheeks! so squishy and cute. if you know cynthia, you know that she is the sweetest, and her man, b2, is also the sweetest, therefore we can pretty much bank on little b3 growing up to be a total heartbreaker. watch out, future kiddoes of the world! 

so... we know that baby showers are supposed to happen before the baby is born but b3 jumped the gun a little so now it's just a big old party of food in bowls, hosted by alana and steph. you should head over to their sites for a list of all of the other great bowl food that was birthed onto the web today for this tasty celebration (pun intended). welcome to the world, b3!!!! 

corn dog in a bowl

makes 4 servings


2 c water

1/2 tsp kosher salt

1/2 c corn meal

1/4 c whole milk

3 tb unsalted butter

1/4 tsp paprika

2 tsp sugar

Black pepper

4 hot dogs or sausages, heated until cooked through

Hot sauce, to taste

Sautéed greens, optional

Ketchup, if you’re into that kind of thing


Place the water and salt in a medium saucepan and bring it to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium, gradually whisk in the corn meal, and continue to whisk until the mixture has thickened. Reduce the heat to low and stir in the milk, butter, paprika, sugar, and a few turns of black pepper. Taste and adjust seasonings as desired, and stir in additional milk if the polenta gets too thick. 

Serve in a bowl topped with a hot dog and a few shakes of hot sauce. Add greens and/or ketchup, if desired. 
