it's matzo brei season which sounds so much better and couth than calling it no-bread-allowed season. matzo brei in its sartorial form is sort of like that vintage fur coat you found at the salvation army: while you're in the store, buying it is a no-brainer, but then when you leave the store it's like what the hell do i do with this now? it's because no one in their right culinary mind eats matzo brei when it's not passover (why do that when you can have a hole-in-the-middle?) but when it is passover it is the best thing evarrrr. 

here's how mum makes it:

mum's matzo brei
makes 2 servings, but you can easily adjust this by keeping a 1-to-1 ratio of eggs to pieces of matzo and then feeling out the rest of the ingredients. 

4 pieces of matzo
4 large eggs
salt + pepper to taste
2 tb olive oil
1 large shallot, chopped

1. break up matzo into two-inch pieces and soak in cold water for one minute. drain and set aside.
2. in a medium bowl, whisk eggs. add salt + pepper and whisk some more.
3. stir the matzo into the eggs.
4. heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat and add shallots. cook until soft, about five minutes.
5. pour in matzo mixture and cook as if you were making scrambled eggs. mum removes it from the heat just before it sets so that by the time it makes it to the plate, it is perfectly done.
6. add more salt + pepper if needed and serve with hot sauce.
