-i've been craving zoog disney and a handi-snack.
-my meringue making skills have been elementary and embarrassing. it appears a successful/articulate enough meringue-for-dummies recipe is impossible and i think i should hire a personal meringue tutor. anybody?
-eggboy has decided that if he ever makes an oscar-nominated movie, employing the pope for his buzz race campaign would yield success.
-we've been really enjoying this lentil soup with sausage, chard, and garlic with kale instead of chard though because i haven't yet invited a chard into my home.
-our tea bar has been growing growing, mainly with oolong and chamomile from the lovely blue lady tea shop.
-peanut butter goes in errrrything. and i've been rather curious about trying pb2... {so that i can eat an entire batch of peanut butter blondies and feel less barfy?}
-i've been testing recipes for the new music bake sale!
-my subway rides have been making me want to move to a driving town where the only bad smells during my commute will be produced by me and the only weirdees yelling weird things during my commute will happen through the radio.
-can we skip purim and go straight to passover?
-on weekends i go to costco, at night i clean the kitchen: i am old people. and i'm kind of enjoying it. 
