
and how i was a jelly donut!
{1} horsies!!!!
{2} a sugar brezel at brezel company berlin
{3} holocaust memorial
{4} carmen
{5} tiergarten
{6} about to eat an opera intermission brezel
{7} princess cake at albrechts patisserie
{8} maybe that's an ufer?

i don't mean to be all been there done that when it comes to the touristy things in berlin, but in all honesty, i really did been there done a lot of that when i went to berlin with my daddy years ago. which opened up the opportunity for me to err on the side of living like a local on this visit, and i bought the salmon-colored blazer to prove it. my diet was split between eating things you simply must eat when you are in berlin {brezeln, meaty things, döner, currywurst, und so weiter} and berlin-y versions of things i always eat {following suit with falafel mondays, bagels sundays, pizza fridays, fro-yo every days}. i biked it all off on my rented makeshift molly mobile through the tiergarten and the volkspark friedrichshain and along a bunch of things called ufers. when the time was right, i'd have an afternoon coffee and cake and read night circus or write down observations. i spent quality time with superfriend hammer, attended some operas, and botched allllll the german i learned in high school. oh it what fun berlin is! 