1. the symbol of world domination.
2. mister culverlake, playing hookie from work...
3. check out all those schnitzels
4. schnitzel store's first two customers being anxious because it was 10:30am and we hadn't had our morning schnitzel yet. which is like a million times worse than it being 10:30am and not having your morning coffee yet, fyi.
5. food trucks, sticking 2gether.
6. the first schnitz sandwich. with cranberry compote. omg.

the mothership has landed. and it's on 3rd avenue between 45th and 46th. and it plays good head bopping music and it has little schnitzel nuggets for your salad. it is amazing. it is like a little clubhouse for schnitzel lovers. oh this is the most exciting thing ever and i am so proud of my schnitzel truck friends :-) 

errybody, go there now!!


p.s. don't worry, the truck will still be making its rounds!