week 38: pasha

queens is:
a) the borough with the airport
b) where new york's token beer garden is
c) a little bit scary if you haven't a clue what you're doing
all of the above. 
no really, i can count the amount of times i've been to queens on one foot {well, maybe two foots and a nostril if you include laguardia trips}
it's something about the bridges and the q train and the striking similarities that it shares with the town near my home that my eye doctor's office is in that i've just never had a sensational desire to go. 
but then my friend danielle came along who is, i shit you not, the sam sifton of queens. and she was like 
come to astoria and eat bosnian burgers.
 they're the size of your ass.
she didn't say the ass part, but that's really the approximate size, i think, i hope. 
and so i smushed like a little baby sardine onto the q train {EEEEEEECK} and i deboarded somewhere somehow and then we {danielle, peter, nick, me} ate at
which is the bosnian burger center of the universe, apparently.
nick and i each got one.
and it's essentially what would happen if a schnitzel got with a spotted pig burger 
and then was garnished with creamy tangy cheese and roasted peppers and cozied up in a pita 
{read: a reeeeally flat lamby burger, i think there's beef in there too?}
it was insane and enough like an american burger to really have something to grasp onto, but different enough to make you want to go alllll the way to queens for it.
danielle got some sausagey thing that was essentially the burger in sausage shape. and peter got another smokey sausagey thing that was equally as scrumptious. 
but not ass-sized.
and the whole entire time, danielle was telling me about all of these different cuisines in queens that i've never even heard of. and i was all what the ef am i missing 
and she was all yeah, you haven't even had good uzbek-peruvian-azerbaijani fusion until you've had it in queens.
anyways, the burger was so big i couldn't finish it all. {that's a first} 
it was so good. and so cheap.
believe me when i say,
queens: it's what's for dinner.

take me to the queen, i've got 14 restaurants left.



pasha: don't eat lunch, and then take the n or q to 30th ave.