things famous people do

yesterday i went to {played music in} my first fashion week show ever!!
and it was so awesome.
it was exactly how i expected it to be:
all of the cameras, all of the lights, all of the stylish people.
and it even started fashionably late!
malan breton was the designer and his clothes were just beeeautiful. he had city ballet dancers twirl down the runway, and look, i played the drums:
{there was also this goofy little set to play with}
aside from playing fun musics,
and aside from seeing pretty clothes,
by far the best part of the day was snooping around backstage and then tout à coup a male model's trousers were being forcibly removed by his dressing assistants.
yes, i sawr a model butt.
and then the worse part was, i got really hungry. like really hungry. and my choices were frappuccinos or sparkling organic soda. would i have been just utterly silly to have asked to be pointed in the direction of the cheese tray?

