schnitzel month days 9, 10, and 11

in the words of the schnitzel father:

yesterday i took a sample bite of a schnitzel burger @schnitzel and things it was awesome and i kinda felt like i was cheating on schnitzel but not i have a schnitzdentity crisis

and really,
that's how it feels.
it was like i was in a tangent universe
because the ciabatta and the mustard are the same...
and the meat is fried
but instead of the usual paper thin chickens
it's big and honkin and grouuuuund.

i was afraid that if i ate the whole thing i wouldn't survive my forthcoming trip to the natural history museum. so i ate half the patty, and downed the bun. 
is that weird?
i'm just so obsessed with this darn ciabatta.
i'm never going to be able to have other ciabatta.

and since we're playing the rhyme game
{wait, no we're not}
i also had panna cotta
{panna cotta, ciabatta, panna cotta, ciabatta}
this was my first panna cotta!! ever!!
and certainly not to be my last because this stuff was not too sweet and
 sooooooooo goooooood.
i'm going to pretend like it's healthy, too.



p.s. oh and in case you're wondering what happened to the other two days,
their beauty shots got lost because in a freak runway accident.
{no really, my baby camera was stolen out of my checked bag at jfk wtf}

on one of the days i had
a brat with beets
and it was fine. the beets didn't really add or detract from the taste. the only thing they added was a hot pink hue all over the bread.

and on the other day i had
chicken schnitzel with chipotle sour cream
tater salad
chickpea salad
and the chipotle sour cream blew my mind. like i gotta have more of this stuff. but i kept having to tell myself, "molly, you cannot die."
the tater salad was good as usual {so what if i dipped it in the sour cream?}
and the chickpea salad was as good as a chickpea salad can be, but let's face it, do you people really enjoy the texture of chickpeas? i mean, isn't that why they invented hummus?
...oh no.
i just realized that on my stolen camera there was a really cute picture of my chicken schnitzel with a face:
mustard for the eyes,
a lemon wedge for the mouth.
crap it was so cute.
i'll just have to make another.