i'm back i'm back!
eggboy has resumed his life as a full-time farmer and andy griffith talker aboutter, and i have gone back to being a sprinkle psycho and bridezilla. if you were following eggboy's batching progress (or regress?) you may be glad to know that our second stop* upon my return was a bulk almond and peanut butter run, so that eggboy, who is well on his way to becoming nutboy, doesn't starve. *obviously our first stop was for pizza.
my week in la jolla was so sunny and fun! i caught up with old friends, paella-partied with new ones, spent time with family, played the big drums loudly, and then shut down the bar on the last night with my dad and our music-making home slices. luckily, when i had to be at the airport three hours later, my flight was surprise re-routed to layover in chicago, where mum met me with a big fat bagel and lox picnic. it was all sorts of perfection and i didn't even get sunburnt!
yesterday was my first day back in the kitchen and it was a lot of savory recipe testing, which was tasty, but led to a very intense sugar craving that i don't normally get since there is usually a cake or pie or something on my cake stand. my first option was gummy bears, but they were swimming in vodka and i just wasn't gonna have it, so i was v v v v v v grateful to find these little grape guys in the freezer from before i left. the first time i had chocolate covered grapes was about a year ago, after jaclyn and katie convinced me that they were something to obsess over. and they are. they're definitely sort of weird in a gusher-y way, but really really refreshing and yummy and extraordinarily fun to eat out of a cone.
chocolate covered grapes
rinse and dry your grapes. freeze overnight.
line a baking sheet with parchment.
in a double boiler or microwave, melt together the chocolate and coconut oil. remove from heat and stir for a minute or two, until chocolate is smooth and not too hot.
one at a time, drop your grapes into your chocolate and then lift them out with a fork and set them on the parchment. sprinkle immediately with sprinkles.
alternatively, if you want your grapes to be smooth all the way around, stick them on the end of a toothpick, dip them into the chocolate, sprinkle with sprinkles, and then let them dry on the toothpick (this will only take a few seconds) before popping them off onto your parchment.
serve in a cute paper cone and enjoy!
store in the freezer.
this post is sponsored by grapes from california. all opinions are my own.