yaayayayayayay, it's friday!!! here's what's on our to-do list for the weekend:
1. play dress up and take an absurd self-timer photo for our save the dates. (i wanted to write "save the date" on our butts and moon the camera, but eggboy vetoed that one.)
2. actually dress up and go to farmer wade's wedding! i'll be the one taking notes...
3. eat cheese curds at the fargo street fair!!
i can't hardly wait. what's on your weekend list?
here are some friday links for you...
these pancakes have chamomile whipped cream.
did you know that you can eat amaranth leaves?! and can we talk about how cool a tart pan looks as a salad dish?
carey's back! carey's back! cue all of the exclamation points.
there are some very inspirational words up in here.
it's raw fudge with a secret ingredient that made me squeal with so many units of joy: tahini.
a beautiful rhubarb cake accompanied by a beautiful video.
my mom may have purchased me mini cake stands in minneapolis... and i think they need to be christened with these mini pavlovas.
i lived through this entire buzzfeed list so that you could make cookie bowls that aren't epic failures. (they're peanut butter flavored and lined with chocolate and they're up on betty's site this week!)
on my to-make list: this crispy sriracha honey lime tofu, homemade cold brew, and fried green tomato pimiento grilled cheese.

and the winner of last week's lightroom giveaway is... jaime! yayayayayy! step right up, ms. briny! (and can i direct attention to the fact that she is an aspiring mermaid? i'm obsessed.)
have a wonderful weekend!!!!!