living on a farm means hanging out with cats. rub junior's belly. come play with sven and ole. stand right here in the rain while i go tend to jinxie. these are all things that eggboy has said at least once recently, and as a dog person, it's a little bit jarring. i'm slowly starting to warm up to cat culture though, and not without the help of this onigiri cat. this week was national pet appreciation week, so i made a cat cake for betty crocker and in doing so gained a whole new respect for coco cake land's animal cakes. they are hard to make! this little guy is decorated with marzipan and soba noodles... and he doesn't have a name yet. thoughts?
speaking of cakes, did you all see this chocolate ombre cake? tell me your jaw didn't drop when you saw it. i dare you.
and this chocolate and lemon pistachio semifreddo (!!!!)
and speaking of farms, kara's love letter to her farm is one of the prettiest things i ever did read.
in this week's drooling from afar at the sufjan stevens/justin peck ballet: the pas de deux.
check out this meat i want to eat right now: a steak salad with tahini dressing, a pretzel dog with cheddar beer sauce.
in the opposite of meat realm, i previewed kimberley's cookbook last week in las vegas and i don't know if it was because i was really drunk, but i definitely almost barfed in excitement over the beautiful vegetables that smiled at me from the pages. it comes out in about a week!
this preview of the beautiful driftless magazine makes me even more excited about the midwest.
in which of a kind got me to admit that i was once a mathlete.
hug me about these bookstores of new york.
praise marian for making the scuttlebutt possible in the middle of nowhere.
happy friday, everyone!!!