you guys! eggboy and eggdad broke out the most insane carpentry skills this weekend to build the prettiest butcher block countertops ever in the world. they are so thick and sturdy and (almost) ready for all the tasties i simply cannot wait to make. today the plumbing and my new massive sink go in, right beneath a window that looks out to the farmstead, so i can make faces at the eggs while i wash my vegetables. these guys really shouldn't have done such a good job with the countertops because now i see myself delaying their planting season by requesting custom tables, vanities, and cheeseboards. (or maybe i should get off my bum and learn how to make a cheeseboard myself. i think that is what a real farm girl would do? eggsister is always doing cool wood crafty things, i think i'll take a clue from her.)
we are officially back in the market for wallpaper. the toile samples we've had taped up just aren't cutting it. i'm thinking it might be fun to get wallpaper with maps all over it? or a massive wall-sized comic strip? i don't know. life would be so much easier if willy wonka wallpaper was for real. any suggestions?
oyoyoy, i am so excited for the farmhouse kitchen. aside from the wallpaper, there are still a number of things to do, like figure out a range hood and rip up the carpet, but after experiencing these countertops this weekend, it feels so much closer to being finished. i wish the farm wasn't so far away from all of you so i could have everyone over for the inaugural high tea, complete with crumpets and marzipan.
speaking of marzipan: i took a little liberty with my king cake decorations. is it awkward to have a no sanding sugar policy? i fear i've offended some mardi gras die-hards, but tell me, is it so bad to want marzipan on everything? you can get the recipe over on food52 and use sanding sugar to your heart's content. please celebrate mardi gras with a little extra oomph this year so you can make up for the fact that egg and i will be spending the holiday caulking and sanding.
how were all of your weekends????? and did you eat waffles????