all of the people these days are done with winter and ready for spring. they want pastels and ham and no more snow. they want to run outside (?)
and while i do love a good spring onion and my springtime birthday, i am cozied up here making cookies just begging winter to stay for a few more months because this whole farming off season thing, with eggboy free for impromptu road trips, and the pretty snow everywhere, and all the reason in the world to spend days and days baking is absolutely the best ever.
and it's like, well, if you wanted me to invite you over to eat cookie dough for breakfast in our jammies and then spend the day making a layer cake, why didn't you just say so? then you will know what this winter has been to me. then you will know.
especially in your butt. (bc actually your girl could use some running outside, if you know what i'm saying.)
the recipe i have for you today is a winter panzanella salad, and just looking at its worried face, i think it knows its brussels sprouts will soon be replaced by tomatoes, its crispy shallots by ramps.
...oh did someone say tomatoes and ramps? well, i guess the changing of the seasons isn't that bad. but for the record, i do plan on wearing my ugg boots and fleece lined pants until someone delivers me a ramp to my doorstep.
my winter eye panzanella salad with brussels sprouts, salami, and dijon vinaigrette (as its birth certificate actually says) is up on betty crocker's site. it should be known that after i took these photos, i sat on my couch with that massive red bowl and a fork, watching made-for-tv christmas movies in total pastrami winter heaven.