

contrary to what i believed this time last week, there are more than zero reasons to go to yonkers:

1. you get to ride the choo choo, and within a half hour of leaving grand central station, you can be in a cute little riverside town with bridges and a main street and a... 
2. seafood restaurant that is also a secret korean restaurant (!!!!)*. if you go there and disregard the seafood menu and smile and ask the owner for korean food, she will make you amazing korean food with black garlic and homemade kimchi. and she may even pour you a little cup of mushroom tea. everything about it is delicious and sweet.
3. line c3 might be there at a really awesome studio playing percussion music until the wee hours of the morning. and it is fine because you are fueled on thin mints and hot cross buns and yes, that korean food.

*ok, after further research, it doesn't look that secret, so here it is.

so if you're looking for a quick and easy little adventure out of the city {and your private jet is in the shop...} yonkers, i'd say, is a fun option!



plane food: it's what i loved more than mum's cooking for an embarrassingly long portion of my life. when i was 6ish i ate four united airlines omelettes en route to los angeles, and now my most prized dishes are little rectangular white plates that were used on delta flights {i found them at a salvation army and gasped when i looked at the bottom and saw the delta logo}. these days when i am on a flight and hungry i am just plain bitter as shit. so i'm planning ahead for this weekend when i fly home. i know i know, it is like a less-than-two-hour flight and i will have lou malnati's waiting for me when i land, but i get a kick out of this stuff so humor me, maybe?

the criteria to fit if one is to be a "perfect plane snack"
-packaging is resealable or individually wrapped
-not messy
-not perishable {no stinky rotting anything allowed}
-healthy and not too heavy {no pooping allowed}

1. freeze dried strawberries: for a long time i perused the dried fruit section at tj's, disappointed at how many items had added sugar. these are just strawberries, and a lot of them! i will take that vitamin c and raise you a small toddler. 
2. kale chips: these puppies are more crack than a cheeto and zero oil or artificial things and even better than homemade kale chips.
3. dry roasted unsalted almonds: basic, exactly what it says. i wanted salted but eggboy said i already had a lot of salt in the basket. and also i couldn't find any cute individual bags of the salted ones.
4. teriyaki turkey jerky: this stuff is so tasty and packed with protein. they're the token chewy snack of the bunch, for some textural variety.
5. dark chocolate nibs: just because you're on a plane does not mean you can skip chocolate o'clock

ok let me know if i forgot something on this list. 

happy flying to me! see you next week.
