
lovers reunited

a summer without the schnitzel truck
is like anything without mustard.
it is a little scary and i never want to do it again.
we finally reunited yesterday and i got something newish: 
eggplant schnitzel 
with spicy mayo 
and we embraced each other i ate it on the high line.
which was perfect, because the high line has great benches, and enough of them*
*one day i'll discuss my extensive knowledge of benches, because i have one. 
my mom can attest to it. 
and can i confess something? before that i'd never had eggplant.
well, maybe i have and it was mixed with something and i just didn't know it. 
but this was the first time i ordered an eggplant-focused thing
and it was so great! 
and not just because animal babies weren't killed in the process,
but also because it had a sweet yummy taste and a new texture i've never before met in a schnitzel.
schnitzel truck, i missed you so much omg

p.s. on the subject of schnitzel {story of my life}: here is a little piece i wrote about a new israeli schnitzel place that is launching this weekend

the rite of summer

...comes ooey gooey, 
totally melty, 
and with a bit of leftover dirt from your marshmallow stick...
it'll blow a brit's mind...
extra points if you look like you just came from square dancing.
and triple that if you actually did...


take me out to the ball game!

take me out to the ball game,
take me out to the crowd...
buy me some whole wheat edamame buns,
i don't care if you care that i'm drinking beer out of a straw!
let me root, root, root for the white sox,
if they don't win that would be pooey...
for it's one, two, three strikes you're out,
at the olddddd balllll gaaaaaaame!!!


p.s. they won!!

summer on the upper west side

the upper west side just got its very own 16 handles.
how exciting!
i went there today, my last day in the city for, like, ever.
{not ever, just a few months}
and because one cake-flavored yogurt is nary enough,
i got two: red velvet and birthday.
does birthday cake taste different from vanilla cake?
do studies show that people are more likely to buy 
something called birthday than something called vanilla?
does the flavor birthday cake only exist in non-cake things,
such as lip gloss and yogurt? because my birthday cake is usually red velvet...
i guess we'll never care enough to know. 
i got the birthday and the red velvet and then for even more refreshment 
i threw in a dab of mint chocolate. 
and then i made a mental agenda for the order of my bites:
1. birthday + brownie nubbins
2. birthday + sprinkles + gummi bears, my old time fave
3. birthday + rainbow cookie {am i right that i would be surprised to find this combination in a store anywhere outside of manhattan?}
4. crunch thing with the weird name
5. red velvet by its lonesome
6. finish her off with some chocolate + strawbees almost worked, but then it was like a hundred million degrees out and it melted to a puddle around step 3.
but it was so good.
ok. time to return to packing.
