
little goat diner

a booth to nestle my bum after an hour waiting at bread,

a wait spent nursing a goat milk latte topped with goat caramel and other goat-y things {good if you like that sort of thing, heavy if black coffee is your jam},

noshes of an apricot masala scone, bloody mary bread, and fresh goat-y bagels.

ane brun on the radio, cute aprons, natural light i could ingest for hours.

a thick scallion pancake topped with pork belly and oodles of veggies in ginger maple dressing {a dish i'll try to recreate soon and a dish that left me no choice but to overstuff my belly and dream about it for days to come},

the banh mi that didn't, conversation that did, a millenium park post-meal ice skating romp, and  another day in chicago nailed like a nail gun going into a cardboard box. whatever that means.

little goat diner was fun. if you have talented conversationalists to muscle out the wait with and/or can pounce on some bar stools in the little goat bread shop next door during that wait, i'd recommend it.


sandy help

a guide to helping with sandy recovery from wherever you are in the world. 

listen to amazing music. the record label for some of the most unbelievable new music on the planet, new amsterdam records, had their headquarters destroyed. buy some of their albums* {like my current obsession, one of their newest releases, roomful of teeth} and/or donate to their relief fund here.

eat + cook. most of my favorite restaurants had to close during the storm, and some remain closed. on top of their lost work days, a few are having to do a ton of repair work {like mile end, their bakery and smokehouse were completely destroyed, and one girl, their dumbo store was flooded}. if you're in the city, eat out and tip well. if you're not in the city, buy cookbooks* from new york restaurants. mile end, clinton street baking company, the frankies, shopsin's, and one girl have some of my favorites, but of course there a million more.

drink. breweries and bars were also severely damaged. if you're in brooklyn, come have a drink with me on the sip away sandy bar crawl tomorrow. if you're in other sandy-affected areas, organize your own sip away sandy and remember to tip well. if you're not in a sandy-affected area, see if you can find beer from sixpoint or brooklyn breweries {sixpoint's brewery and brooklyn's new york warehouse were hit hard}. 

play music. busk or organize a concert, and do good with your earnings {perhaps send them to one of the organizations listed here here}.

*cough cough chrismukkuh gift ideas!!!

have another idea on how to help?? leave it in the comments section!!



sometimes i avoid brunch like the plague because all it is is waiting on really long lines, for all the same pancake stuff, and i'm either hungover or full from last night's lucky burger or both. 
but none of those things are true when mum is here!
hi, mum! oh hi, justit!
for when mum is here, we wake up early to avoid the lines and go to badass places like
{and of course, we're not hungover because mums don't do that}
it was mum's idea because since she read blood, bones, and butter
she can't shut up about the gabrielle hamilton.
it was super delightfully tasty.
my favorites were the carbonara {for breakfast!!} and the dutch pancake {which was thick and sweet and doughy, like a real cake!} and the potatoes that came with my eggs were such a highbrow brilliant hash brown. 
nothing needed more salt or pepper or anything because it was all so flavorful and fantastic.
well, the bloody mary needed booze. but that's not their fault, it's new york state's fault whatever. 
and it ended so happily, with a revival of the lost art of after-dinner mints in the form of black licorice. which normally i would have left, but something came over me and i really enjoyed black licorice for i think the first time and it was such a peculiar yet fabulous way to end a yummy brunch.
if prune was a person, i think i'd totally want to be her friend because she'd probably be one of those that plans beautiful tea parties and wears great dresses but also has a potty mouth.

this cat

this cat has been sitting in my flagged photos folder
for weeks now, staring at me like i just burped.
he is a handsome little cat, no?
it should be known that i've nary been a cat person,
but after living in the city for five years
i understand why people get cats and not dogs.
it's because what if you find yourself on the l.e.s.
and someone says let's close out dba?
you know?
so i've grown to tolerate them... but still: cats would eat you if
they could, is what i heard on the internet or something. 