
mum's visit: pizza night at veloce

mum arrived in the city with just enough time to sample some cheese at dean and deluca before our dinner reservations...

we tasted an appenzeller swiss and a cave aged gruyere.
(both were tasty, but neither compare to the goat gouda that i bought today at the fairway...)
i'm still amused that a gruyere is sitting in a cave somewhere, just aging. chillen. and aging.

...and then of course we raided the mustard section
and decided upon a chili dijon and a mesquite/stout ale mustard.

after soho...
it was off to veloce pizzeria in the east village
...which is apparently a favorite of frank bruni

and now a favorite of mum and me!

all of their pizza is sicilian (which, to be honest, i was a little bit nervous about).
it was totally delicious though! the crust was so buttery!

we got our old fallback, margherita...

i'm into this place. worth a trip way downtown.



mum is visiting! mum is visiting!

t minus two days!!! yay yipee yay yipee!!

now, im pretty sure the only things that could top mum's last visit are near impossible. ideas being:

a)  somehow tracking down every single food truck that has ever won a vendy award. 
b) somehow scoring front row tickets to billy elliot.
c) somehow acquiring a three day unlimited pass to the new york food and wine festival.
d) somehow developing the metabolism equivalent to a 13 year old boy so that we can go on a cupcake tour of all five boroughs. (actually maybe not the bronx, no offense.)

however, i think seeing cloudy with a chance of meatballs, attending a super exclusive party at bendel's (you're jealous), and eating brunch at balthazar will come close. 

ok things to do before mum gets in (roomie, take note):

hide the weed. (kidding).
get rid of all of the peanut butter! 
wash everything that has touched peanut butter within the last 48 hours.
clean the toilet. (like i said, roomie, take note).
erase all of the profanities from chalkboard wall.




bye, pig

i accidentally became a vegetarian for the week.

it all happened when i had to do an emergency grocery shopping trip and went to the westside market (i know, it's no whole foods, and it certainly ain't no fairway market... but it does the trick and is on the way home from columbia).

i started at the front in the produce section and loaded up on all sorts of goodies! (including pomegranates!)

...and then i found some tabouli salad that looked nasty good

and some hummus, nuts, etc, etc....

by the time i made it to the meat section, i realized that i had a full basket, including all the protein i need for a week. so i went with it and decided i' d try being a vegetarian for a week...

...and then i walked right over to the tofu to make it official.

so here i go. one week sans porky.

wish me luck?



la sandwicherie

friend doug and i discovered a sandwich place that deserves a stop on anyone's sandwich tour. it's a little counter on 14th between collins and washington in miami beach, called

the french dudes who work there serve up an impressive selection of cheese, and some amazingly fresh croissants. they also put little pickles and peppers on the sandwiches. no mustard, but (i know it's weird i'm saying this), they actually didn't need mustard. (i mean, nothing needs mustard, but these sandwiches held their own sans the seeds). 

upon recommendation from the sandwich-man himself, dougie and i ordered




and the brotha did not hold off on piling on the cheese.... mmmmmmmmm

i think i know a thing or two about sandwiches (posts on sandwich tour '09 to come...). and i think i'd have to say that this is definitely among the top five in the country. 

...yes, up there with zingerman's and milburn.

the tastes were really well rounded... all of the veggies went really well together, and the creamy texture of the cheese made for a lot of richness. and the croissants were just perfect. 

the only downside? i don't think any amount of running on the beach would make me feel better about eating this beast.

but.. wait.... WHO CARES?

go. try. sandwicherie.

