
announcing salad september!

dear self,

you've had a wonderful summer of eating anything and everything you want. say hello to your newly formed gut!! ok now get rid of it, please. 



i mean, i don't know if it's the paint fumes or what but salad september seems like a really good idea (aka eat salads every day for dinner, but no getting boring about it).

day 1 of salad september:

grape tomatoes
a bit of mozzarella
wasabi dijon dressing


the soon to be gutless yeh

cute little things in my apartment that i am oh so very fond of

1. the mezuzah that mum made me

2. the brian bell

future second husband brian brought me this for-realsies cowbell back from switzerland. i can't wait to use it for mahler!

3. the lollipop jar

4. yiddish magnetic poetry

thanks mum! and hello sister stoop!

5. the aunt cathy apron hook

6. the c+m salt n peppa shakers

7. mr. gnome

thank you for housing my loose change, meester gnome.



a most glorious saturday's eve

1. a date with not one, but two beautiful men (friend craig and roomie chad) to the highly anticipated and newly opened whole foods on the upper west side. 

whole foods cuppie cake friends

she's perfect. just perfect. 

one of the sistas behind the counter was giving out sushi samples. and i don't know if i was woozy from flying for hours today, or giddy from being in a shiny and spankin new whole foods, but the salmon rolls (which have all my life rePULSED me) for some reason looked sooooo tasty!? i don't know what came over me, but without hesitation, i scooped one up and popped it whole into my mouth! i was as shocked with myself as i was at its yummy taste. am i a sushi eatur now? i suddenly feel so posh and in the know.

2. dinner with craig and chad:

fresh spinach and ricotta raviolis 
arrabiata sauce

3. then... craig and i had planned to bake chad a red velvet cake for his birthday tomorrow. but instead i got absorbed in this post by the hilarious and ingenious nico muhly. and c&c insisted on hijacking my kitchen (and in craig's case, the aunt cathy apron) to make the cake. 

we (they) used sunny anderson's recipe


i went to the bang store and bought me some bangs.

and also...

there are few greater things in the world than the surprise last few fries at the bottom of a happy meal bag (yes, i ate a happy meal when i could have been exploring the new world of food in miami. sorry.)



rob k and rob k!

congratulations to rob klieger for winning the new world audition!!!!!!!

i call this piece, "rob plus palm tree." he gets to move to miami soon!


congratulations to one of my very best friends (and in mum's perfect world, my one and only future husband) rob knopper for being the runner up at new world!!!

rob leonardo knopper, ladies and gentleman!

now, while i don't think i completely ate poop in my audition, i unfortunately did not advance :-(


it's ok because i drowned my sorrows in gelato with friend zach!

