
fratelli la bufala

{upper west side}
nevermind the fact that my visit to fratelli la bufala last night included the worst service in the history of... ever* {it opened last week, so i have faith. i want to have faith.} the better fact is that my four dates and i did not starve, and then some. perhaps it was because our pizza arrived at the height of my hungry attack, perhaps this pizza really was some of the best, doughiest, chewiest, tastiest, flavorfullest i've ever had. i guess i'll find out when i go back for a second and third and fourth time, which i fully plan on doing. especially given their industrially rustic vibe which i am weirdly in to. 

*i'll leave this kvetch fest to the yelpers

these days

it is warm enough for outside pizza nights.
a new dinner table, which was christened with yummies from kashkaval, 
makes me smile so hard that i think my face will fall off.
i have been enjoying ramps, salmon rillettes, and serial music with this human.
grom is the best medication for my poor sore throat. almond cookie candle, edith piaf, and the occasional bit of poetry plopped in my inbox 
make the world go round.



happy friday, everybody!
i've been so spoiled with lou malnati's for my last two pizza nights.
tonight, i return to the new york pizza night. {with rob {!!!} as a pregame to george's graduation recital {!!!}}. perhaps we will dine at francesco's, where they know me by name, or at two boots, where rumor has it they're giving away free big lebowski slices. 
{we'll discuss chicago pizza vs. new york pizza some other time.}

the groggy girl's breakfast pizza

{what i'm eating now}

i normally spit in the face of recipes advertised as quick and easy. but today is a lazy day and lazy days call for lazy measures. i present to you, 
the easiest breakfast pizza ever:
1. oven to the highest it goes + pan with some olive oil set on the stove.
2. brush a trader joe's flatbread on both sides with olive oil.
3. top it with salt, pepper, tomatoes, cheese {manchego!}, sausage if you're ballsy/chicken if you're a pansy like me.
4. crack an egg onto the hot pan and remove it from heat after just a few seconds. {this is to ensure that the whites don't ooze everywhere}. put it on the flatbread.
5. bake for 15ish minutes, or until the clear part of the egg is all white.
6. finish with some olive oil, crushed red pepper, and basil {bonus points if the basil is from your windowsill herb garden}.
7. coffee. enjoy!
