other sweets


march is not a real month until shamrock shakes have been achieved. {once mum and i demonstrated this with a bunch of selfies taken in the parking lot of an illinois mcdonald's.} so when eggboy asked "what is a shamrock shake?" i got all startled because i really just don't think it's ok to not have ever had a shamrock shake. i was also confused because he has all these fond memories of going to mcdonald's when he was little... but i do remember hearing somewhere that not all mcdonald's sell shamrock shakes. which is so dumb. anyway, this morning we walked in the rain to three stores before we found just the right ice cream {soy ice cream sweetened with fruit because eggboy fears processed sugar} and then while he strum strum strummed away at his guitar, i ferociously recalled the chapter in my photography book on not sucking at taking pictures of ice cream. and the shakes were wonderful! eggboy-friendly {free of dairy and tons of processed sugar} and human-friendly {no icky artificial mint or green coloring} and they are like a splagillion times better than the ones from mcdonald's. i'm not just saying that-- the fresh mint is completely something else.

so go blend up milk, ice cream, and mint, and have yourself a very merry st. patrick's day.



lately i've been experiencing that annual february feeling of can it please be time for spring or at least a tropical vacation? and since the closest thing to that vacation is a trip home in a month for passover and stoopie's bachelorette party, i decided that the next best option to cure the winter blues would be to paint my nails orange and test recipes for the new music bake sale via making mochi while watching girls. it was a morning not unlike any other. and it yielded really gooey and sticky {albeit yummy} results.


i used this for the mochi
and filled them with a spoonful
of peanut butter and jelly.
easy peasy.


my favorite little ritual: every afternoon, whenever i want, i eat one piece of dark chocolate. it's called chocolate o'clock. i make sure i have plenty of chocolate at all times in case i have visitors during chocolate o’clock or in case if by some time/space continuum magic illusion dreaminess chocolate o’clock occurs twice in one day. which it does. often. and it's the perfect little bit of joy and caffeine to boost me out of any afternoon lull that may occur. 

lately i’ve been a sucker for mast brothers bars. their wrappers are so pretty and they often punctuate special occasions for eggboy and me: i like dropping them in his tip jars at shows, he got me the stumptown coffee one for valentine’s day, and there is no better way out of the dog house* than with a brooklyn blend in hand. {we also once spent a lovely afternoon tasting allllll of the chocolate at the mast brothers shop in williamsburg. i highly recommend doing this.}

*eggboy doesn't actually ever get placed in the dog house. or the puppy house. this is just a preemptive statement in case he ever, i don't know, forgets my three-quarters birthday. 

another favorite chocolate {for when i run low on mast brothers or if there haven't been any recent special occasions that warrant spending $8 on a bar} is trader joe’s stone ground chocolate. i loooove the grainy texture of it and the compact round shape.


this week i believe...

*that turkey bacon can and should be bought in bulk.
*that les noces grooves SO HARD. hard enough for capital letters.
*that free nights at home are for making pretty things with rubber stamps.
*that oatmeal with a scoop of jif accompanied by homemade potato chips with curry ketchup can be dinner. and a frozen cupcake can be dessert.
*that eggboy is pent up in his studio writing the hit song of the new-ish millennium.
*that wooden plates, bowls, and other kitchenware are my favorite.
*that speculoos on a chinese steamed bun is an asian fusion meal.
*that chocolate o’clock can happen two times in a day, but shouldn’t happen past four, lest it keep me from sleeping well.
*that unsubscribing from every coupon email list will give me a more dignified inbox.


{photos are from a post-rucola stroll with meg.}