new york

prime meats

this is what a perfect little lunch after a perfect snowy stroll through adorable carroll gardens looks like. that there pasta is a fancy schmancy version of what a fictional austrian version of me would have housed in lieu of mum's mac & cheese on a regular basis during the great growth spurt of year 11. gruyère + spätzle. hello, thing-that-i-would-normally-feel-guilty-about-eating-but-am-not-because-you-have-a-fancy-name-that-contains-an-umlaut. and the bacon? i hate to break it to you, every slice of bacon that might be reading this, but the bacon at prime meats was *wait for it while i re-consider all the other bacons i've ever had* the best bacon i've ever had. it was so thick and crunchy and crumble/melt-in-your-mouth-y. the calories don't count because they were pre-burned off on the walk there.

meg {wore amazing earrings} and had the burger. i was too taken by my bacon to ask to sneak a bite {!} but, my, did it look good, i may have to get one next time.

also included in my first prime meats experience: great sinus-clearing sweet mustard + great service. 

i am an immediate fan of this place. i will surely need to try it for dinner soon.


prime meats: 465 court street, at luquer street. carroll gardens, brooklyn. 


on an extremely frigid cold morning {as many of them seem to be these days}, meg and i sat down in our sweaters for eggs and hot coffee and the perfect dilemma called what should we be when we grow up?

we were at rucola, a wonderful little neighborhood restaurant. it's the only storefront on its block of brownstones and i've been wanting to try it since i moved to the borough. oh, was it delightful in exposed brick and natural lighting and pretty bathroom glory! i had the squishiest, doughiest, most comforting breakfast sammie of the egg/mortadella/fontina/pistachios variety, and meg had a risotto cake hidden under a plate of arugula. how she didn't get that arugula stuck in her teeth, i will never know.
