new york

gnarly buttons.

for my birthday getup, i doctored up this american apparel dress with
buttons that i found at my new favorite place on the east side,
tender buttons. the shop sells just about every single kind of button
that you didn't think existed. it makes me have more faith that a
mustard shop can survive. four of the buttons that i got for my dress
are from the 1950s and they illustrate "sing a song of sixpence," and
the fifth button is a gold one made in france that is pierrot lunaire!
i am so smitten with my finds. all on one dress, you'll find my loves
of pie, rhymes, princesses, birds, song, and atonal sad clown creeps!
p.s. i am not responsible for the title of this post. i wish i were
because i very much enjoy the sound of these words together.
gnarly buttons is the title of john adams' piece for clarinet and 
chamber ensemble. if you do not know it, i recommend you get to know it. 
here, james plays it. clean shaven and all.

my ginger curry milkshake brings all of the manhattanites to the nethermead.

 i was a big gay girl at googa mooga yesterday and it was a total blast!!
do you think becoming a career milkshake wench would be a good use of my music degree?
 what was the opposite of a blast was emerging from the tent after my shift in need of 
some proper protein and seeing nothing but lines. oy vay!
 maria saved my life with a little porchetta sandwich and a blue ribbon chicken wing. and then i indulged in a mini coconut popsicle before booking it to the greenmarket for some cider and snackees so that i wouldn't fall over on the twelve mile bike ride home.
but, like, i don't know what i was expecting. crowds like this...
make me want to assume the fetal position, cover my ears and eyes, and click my red shoes, wishing to be back in bed again. it was like one of those nightmares where you're chasing the big man made of mac and cheese and you want to eat him but he's juusssttt out of reach. 
so close yet so far. so starving. it's pancake time.

bye bye, colorful apartment

remember three years ago when i decided that it would be really cool to paint each room in my apartment a different, extremely bright color? probably not... but i did. and it has been mildly worth it, if only for fulfilling my dream of having a red door and being able to write silly messages on the chalkboard paint in the bathroom. this week i am working on painting over it all with the plainest old white you ever saw. it's so sad and it bores me to death, but it will all be worth it in the fall when i get to explore a new neighborhood and make my mark on a new kitchen.


the sideburns are real,
my belly is full,
and come on, those bathrooms are not that confusing.
a very handsome human took me to wd~50 for my birthday. {is today your birthday?! said my poor mum that was amnesia-ridden for 24 hours* no, mum, it's an early present}
*true story. don't ask unless you have a cookie.
our reservation simply happened to be within the first few days of the new tasting menu. when i discovered this my initial sad eggs benedict-less reaction was masked by how much the 12-year-old in me loves being first in line. it was so new that a few little stumbles in the wine pairing led to extra boozies for us! oh man it was boozy. ok here are my pictures:
{1} like a little cloud of flavor, i conquered this fish. it was tasty enough and the texture was fleeting enough to make a fish lover from a h8er.
{2} my third time ever eating lobster and it was a charm! also, are grapes in style?
{3} mmm. phoking good. all dark and meaty and stuff.
{4} a yoke that has been cured in salt and sugar for six hours, it thickens. it is so cool! it makes slow poached as passé as gauchos.
{5} brotha had me at mustard biscuit. light and airy solid mustard. oh em jazzle. and that meat, it was soft and buttery. oh i did love this one.
{6} the crab was actually shredded, not with a little face :-(. i just wanted to draw a little face. this toast was really yummy, it was super sweet and refreshing.
{7} a baby fried green tomato! for joy. it was nice to have that comforting accompaniment to break my sole virginity. the flavors of this one, with the black licorice, made me feel really hip and highbrow.
{8} you know what sweetbreads are, right? uhh... they're-- shut up don't say it. i didn't finish this one.
{9} perhaps this was my favorite. jam and meat are probably one of the more powerful couples, flavor-wise. and anything with spaetzle is immediately my bff.
{10} ok, things got super boozy around this time and i recall thinking this would be a crème brûlée thing and then cracking open a shell and finding ice cream and handsome man saying "cuuuuucumber."
{11} what happens when dr. dufresne mates cotton candy with ice cream. 
{12} have you ever poked your finger into what you thought would be a warm and toasty marshmallow only to find that it is in fact ice cream? i highly recommend it. i also highly recommend bringing some black currant jam on your next camping trip.
not pictured: 
~the chocolate + gjetost raspberry thing. that sour cheesy after-dinner chocolate you always wanted.
~a tour of the kitchen
~wylie dufresne said happy birthday to me!!!!!
in the kitchen with my little birthday candle 
and a chocolate minty cake!