new york


{two stoops on a stoop, with scarves and sunnies}
{foo + a new addition to the world!}
{11 fingers, 10 toes, a really fabulous nose}
{stoopie + jc}
sister stoopie and jc came for a little visit to meet
cordelia and to see the broken heart.
we ate macarons and brussel sprouts and cake,
and took a little visit to the brooklyn kitchen...
it was a ball!
i always have so much fun when they visit.
maybe, oh just maybe, they'll move here someday.


there were so many opportunities for the waitstaff at zenkichi to make me feel like a bimbo. like, when i put my limited japanese vocabulary to use {i can say hello and thank you and small lonely object}, and when i asked to substitute the mushroom thing on the vegetarian omakase for a chicken thing. i would have made me feel like a bimbo. but instead, the waitpeople were outstandingly accommodating and lovely and every one of my midwestern-twanged arigatos got an excited don'ttouchmymustache in response. 
i was in love even before i got the house made tofu and super sweet yummy sake. 
and potato mochi donuts. that came with just enough spicy mayo.
and the most classy onigiri i ever had.
and...frozen black sesame mousse!!!!! it was so good it deserved italics.
 this meal was such a delight.
i mean, just look at how delighted i look.
and then when you factor in the private little coops that are equipped with little bells that ring the waitress, 
the possibilities to use the garnish to give yourself bunny ears without being embarrassed in front of strangers are endless.
this is the kind of place i'd want to have my birthday party at.

zenkichi is in williamsburg on north 6th and wythe. 

you may call me lily briscoe

 montauk, montauk, montauk, montauk,
each in a different accent, never wanting to stop, someone kindly have it cease. eventually a battle of chicago versus long island broke out, but then of course as the choo choo passed easthampton, mohntawk trumped maantaak. it reminded me of all of the campers and certain family members and it made me miss my nasal a.
there is something very sad about those few moments after all of the fall leaves have fallen and before the holiday season has begun. but we beat them with bike rides, croissants, and decreasing the saturation on our photos so that bland looks like it was meant. and leaf crunching! oh, yes, and of course visiting the lighthouse... i'd like to hop in my delorean and meet a lighthouse keeper and ask him what he likes to cook and if he ever gets lonesome. it seems like a lonesome job.
oh, by the way, can you play the piano and open clams?

a little bedroom tour

my favorite bedroom things are little creatures: the gnome bank with a mustache, mr. mumbles, two little bunnies perched on a ledge, a certain gaspard...
i wonder what they would say to me if they could talk human. bunnies would want to be dusted off, gnome is lacking quarters {i took them all for laundry}... and mumbles would be mad at me for accidentally dropping him on the floor during last night's slumber. they would probably poke fun at me for watching so much gossip girl these days.
in other news, today i am going to schnitzelfest at loreley and i couldn't be more excited. 