new york

a proper good first weekend home

or: the yummiest camp food detox ever
berries! berries of all sorts, large and small, frozen and smashed, locally grown and flown from far farrrr away. watermelon, yogurt, smoothies galore. a whole wheat pizza night with pineapple and zucchini courgette! hold the cheese. from scratch: black bean hummus, sesame noodles, zingerman's carrot top, whole wheat sourdough, a plan for cornmeal pancakes {but maybe next weekend!} caramelized onion + chive jam. apples, tangerines, apples, tangerines. brown rice sushi, baked oatmeal. a bit of arugula and some cheese at edi & the wolf... and a nice warm cup of red velvet tea. get it while it's hot. 

oh and that hot dog. is not a hot dog. it is a suicide dog from the meathook stand at smorgasburg. "it's all the leftover meat from this week, made into a sausage!" says mike. and there was more flavor in one bite of that than in all of the food that i ate this summer combined. {welcome home, me!}

also: some quality hours spent by the river with the molly mobile, and the {just about} end to a week-long cleaning + organizing session of my little apartment. phew!


:: today ::

today i woke up in a large clean bed with cool clean sheets and scurried up to get ready for a bike ride. i rode my bike {zoom zoom} past the yummy-smelling pastry stand, past the site of my favorite taco truck, and in to central park. there i rode one big loop, all around the park. it was crowded and i almost bumped in to people. 

after returning from my bike ride, i cleansed and exfoliated. i dried and dressed. and then fixed myself a berry + chocolate yogurt smoothie and a small cup of strong coffee. while the coffee cooled, i enjoyed my smoothie with a baked blueberry oatmeal circle that i made yesterday. after that i cleaned a bit, drank my coffee, applied some powder and mascara, and then packed my basket for work. in my basket, i packed my: wallet, keys, lunch, green cardigan, flower mug, spectacles, cell phone, dark lip balm, and minty lip gloss. 

during my ride through riverside park on my way to work, i spotted a trio of puli dogs and thought, before i saw those puli dogs, it would have been nearly impossible for the day to get better. and then i saw the puli dogs and it did! i smiled and continued on to work, where i enjoyed a lovely lunch with a few of my very favorite people. for lunch i had: quinoa with flax seeds and vegetables, whole grain crackers with a rag tag homemade version of zingerman's carrot top spread, and a tangerine. it was delightful. as was my day at work. as was my time spent with my people after work. as was now. 

as was... now.


the war is over and we are beginning

{women of camp k--}
{life during wartime}
{bunk g counselors survivors}
b is for the best team
l is for the loudest team
u is for unique team
e is for the energy
go blue
{wall staff}
{in our bedroom after the war}

color war broke by way of fire-eaters. 
there were battles of strength, speed, and who can make the most appetizing dish using canned corn as the main ingredient. 
there was the rope burn and semi-silent meals,
apache relay and a successful sing.
in the end the other guys won. 
and then it was the second to last day of camp.
and then the last.
so now i sit in my air-conditioned room in my tiny apartment in manhattan, 
with a belly full of bluebees. 
...and i'm itching to know:
were the past two months for real?


clinton street pancakes in my jammies

the cookbook section of the public library is my new favorite place.
you can go to shopsin's,
and noma*
without even having to shower or put your face on or wait!
and even better: yesterday i experienced clinton street baking company's
super famous & fluffy pancakes after a heavy night of drinking without the
risk of getting to the front of the line and having to emergency
run home to vom because i was already at home!!
how great is that.
also, seeing the recipe makes you think twice about eating the initial twelve that you'd like to, lest you consume all that butter. so you are killing two birds with one stone by being healthful and in your jammies!


*good friggen luck with that one. but will invite me over when you do?

is that a long-faced mickey mouse pancake, or are you just excited to see me?