new york

wiener world

{because heaven only knows who will end up here based on that title...}
 on sunday i went to the meathook and looked at the cute little sausages waving to me from behind the counter and proceeded to adopt one of each. they so cute.
 and then i carried my sausages cross the bridge and up the island and into my little yellow apartment where i cooked them up and ate them.
it was a lot of fun and, for lack of a term that is more privy to our times, it was a sausage fest. 
i got six types: ramp, banh mi, bacon cheeseburger, the long dong bud, boerwors, and italian. 
and in order from favorite to even more favorite, they were...
tied for second place: all of them except for the long dong bud
first place: the long dong bud
it has jalapenos and cheese in it! and, ok, i think i am not a very good sausage cooker because what i am used to comes frozen in the package and also who has a barbecue in manhattan? but so basically i just threw them all in a pan with some evoo and watched them spit and brown and then was scared that i'd get e coli so i cooked the living daylights out of them and maybe i cooked them too long. the long dong bud had no choice but to be juicy because of the cheese oozing out of it, but the others, i think would have been better, had i had better weeny cooking technique. but still, they were really really good. and silly.
 oh, and yeah, i served them with a few mustards:
honey & whiskey
chilli & vodka
ginger & wasabi
amora dijon 



1 lemon + chili SCRATCHbread focaccia
2 freedom toast @ egg
3 hole-in-the-middle {aka eggs rothko?? i had no idea} @ egg
4 a midday taco from the taco stand @ artists & fleas
5 i mean... why not?

school was closed this weekend. actually, it was just closed today and i pretended that it was closed yesterday so that i could... walk around and eat. in between doing productive things, of course, such as: shopping for a graduation dress! nevermind that though {the perfect sequined dress has yet to show itself to me, so in a way, i was not so productive this weekend}. but when you consider the asparagus soup that i experienced at northeast kingdom and the wasabi linguine that i purchased at the brooklyn flea, it was an absolutely wonderful weekend, edibley speaking.


the hurricane club, featuring donuts and coconuts

the best thing about having a friend from jewish summer camp who now lives off the path and who is friends with the guy who wears the ear piece at the hurricane club is that you get secret crab donuts. 
mmm hm.
i'll start from the beginning:
the hurricane club is not a restaurant i would normally choose for a friday night dinner. as of late my friday night dinners are spent at the greasy pizza place around the corner where the guys behind the counter know me by moelly. but when summer camp boy said the magic words {secret menu items!} i hopped on the next cross town shuttle, hurry scurried down park avenue and rolled through the entrance corridor with negative three minutes to spare. 
 sporting a secondhand red leather jacket and a scarf the size of france, i immediately saw a bump-it and said to the imaginary terrier at my feet,
we are not on the upper west side anymore.
so fast-forward to the part where we eat warm sugar donuts filled with crab meat and catch me while i die. because you know how the only thing you ever want in a crab cake is more fried shit? this is the answer. yeah, it's weird, especially because they were dusted with powdered sugar, but it worked. it was the whole sweet/salty thing with a spritz of the sea and a doughy texture. you want them now. why they're not on the menu, i don't know. 
maybe because it would force the place to strictly be a donut joint.
the rest of the meal included some super tasty ducky sandwiches,
and the highly anticipated croque monsieur spring rolls. 
a croque monsieur spring roll, as i found out, consists of cheese and hammies inside of spring roll wrappers and served with mustard. which is a little anticlimactic when you're imagining the filling of a normal spring roll colliding with béchamel and pigs and then broiled for a crispy edge. but they tasted good, so i'm done complaining. 
the cocktails were out of this world and then some. my second one surprise arrived and it was in a coconut. that's never happened to me before. it was delicious. i have no idea what was in it, but something* tells me they're all that quality. 
{*i swear i didn't taste about a third of the menu. promise.}
and that was before the rum fountain. there's a rum fountain. in the basement. did you know that rum fountains exist? i didn't. you just get a little bottle and fill her up. just like a water fountain! the end there was steak, chicken brushed with gold dust, and a delicious chocolate cake.
it was a total experience meal. 
and forever those donuts will be in the history book that is my diary of favorite things.

the hurricane club is on 26th and park. wear heels.